Studies on bioactive health drink

The main objective of this study was to develop new polyphenol-rich beverages using pomegranate, lemon, ginger, bilimbi juices and aloe vera gel in different proportions. The proximate composition and the antioxidant activities of the raw materials were investigated. Among all juices, ginger had maximum total phenolic content, with blimbi showing the lowest content.
The DPPH and the ABTS radical scavenging activities were in the order of ginger > pomegranate >bilimbi>lemon> aloe vera and ginger > pomegranate >lemon >bilimbi> aloe vera respectively. The reducing power of the samples were in the order of bilimbi> pomegranate > lemon > aloe vera> ginger.
Squashes were prepared with and without preservatives and seven different squashes were prepared using different combinations of raw materials in the following combination: (a) pomegranate:lime:ginger (1:1:1), (b) pomegranate:lime:ginger (1:1:0.5), (c) pomegranate:bilimbi:ginger (1:1:0.5), (d) pomegranate:lemon (3:1), (e) pomegranate: bilimbi (3:1), (f) pomegranate:bilimbi:lemon (3:1:1) and (g) aloe vera drink with pomegranate (1:9).
The total phenolic content and DPPH scavenging activity of the squashes were determined. It was found that the scavenging activity was in accordance with the TPC. The sensory analysis of the samples were carried and it was found that the samples with preservatives were less preferred whereas the shelf life studies showed that the addition of preservatives could control the microbial growth. It could be concluded that the ginger added squashes were the much preferred ones. This study paves the way for development of various bioactive drinks with targeted health benefits.
- Research Area :Agro Processing and Technology