Biodegradable polylactic acid and coir composites
Doped TiO2 crystals for spintronics and magneto-optical applications
Angle-dependent color changing colloidal photonic crystal arrays
Donor-acceptor charge transfer stacks using supramolecular block copolymers
Graphene based membranes for desalination
Enzyme free, ceramic catalytic process for the conversion of used cooking oil into bio-diesel
Silica based organic-inorganic hybrid fluorescent ink
Ion-exchange processed magnetic nano-composites for organic dye removal application
Organic-inorganic hybrid fluorescent ink
Printable hierarchical nickel nanowire based sensors
Self-lubricating bidirectional carbon fiber reinforced smart aluminum composites
Ni-B-CeO2composite coatings
Lanthanum phosphate coatings on magnesium alloys
Metal organic gel interpenetrating polymer network derived intrinsic Fe-N-doped porous graphitic carbon
Multi-channeled ceramic membranes for micro/ultra filtration
Research Facilities
An electrically heated rotary kiln ( 150 mm. dia. X 6000 mm.L) for solid state reduction of minerals – a pilot plant facility.
Vacuum Induction Furnace.
Thermal Analyser, TG-DTA.
BET Surface Area Analyzer.
Electrochemical System.
UV – Visible spectrophotometer.
Drum magnetic separator.
Disc Pelletiser.
High temperature resistance heating furnaces.
Wet chemical analytical facilities.
Thermal Analysis – TG/DTA, TMA (Shimadzu)
Spectroscopic Analysis – FTIR (Nicolet), UV spectrophotometers (Shimadzu)
Flourescence spectrophoto meter
Adsorption Characteristics – Surface area analyzer (Micromeritics)
Particle Size & Zeta potential measurements – Laser Zeta Sizer (Malvern)
Optical Characterization – Stereo Microscope with Image Analysis (Leica)
Optical Microscope with Image analysis (Bio Tech)
Rheology – Tensio meter (Physica), Rheo Visco meter (Anden Paar)
Electrical Characterization – Impedance analyzer 4192 A (HP)
Processing – Dip coater (KSV), High Temperature furnaces (Nabertherm), Polisher/ Grinder (Buhler), Cutter (MOTOPOL), Single screw Ceramic Extruder (Dr. Collin’s)
Nano Indentor (Micro materials, UK)
UV Reactor (Rayonet)
X-Ray Difractometer
Closed cycle helium cryostat
Liquid Helium Cryostat
Facility for superconducting wire making and characterization
Vacuum furnaces (up to 12000C)
LCR meter
Net Work analyzer up to 6 GHz
Kneading machine
Hot press (up to 300oC)
Ultrasonic drilling machine
Cutting machine
Impedance Analyzer
Liquid Nitrogen Plant
Centrifugal casting facility (Horizontal and vertical)
Directional solidification setup
Eddy current electrical conductivity meter
Electrical resistance type melting furnace (up to 20 kg Al)
Gravity, low pressure, squeeze and semisolid casting facility
Heat treatment furnaces
Hydraulic presses (150 and 25 tonnes)
Jolt – squeeze sand moulding machine
Optical image analyzer – Clemex Vision
Optical Microscopes
Leitz – Metallopan, Orthoplan
Leica – DMRX with Digital Camera and Image Analyser
Hardness Tester (Brinel and Vickers)
Micro hardness testers
SETRAM SETSYS TG 16 Thermal Analyser
Thermal Analyser (Melt Lab) and Data acquisition system
Ultrasonic tester – Krautkramer USIP 12
Vacuum infiltration setup
10 Ton Instron testing machine (Dynamic and Static)
+ GF + Sand testing equipments
To design and develop advanced processes and materials for strategic and societal applications.
Value added products based on mineral resources.
Light metals, alloys and composites.
Ceramic materials for structural, electronic, magnetic and functional applications.
Polymer matrix composites.
Nano materials and composites based on metals, ceramics and polymers.
To provide structure-property correlation and characterization services to the user agencies. HRD through student research programmes and training of personnel from industries, R&D and academic institutions. To be a nodal centre for Advanced Materials and Minerals Research.

Dr Ananthakumar S
Chief Scientist & Head- 0471-2515289, 0471-2493931
- ananthakumars[at]niist[dot]res[dot]in

Dr Rajan T P D
Senior Principal Scientist- 0471-2515327, 0471-2491714
- tpdrajan[at]niist[dot]res[dot]in

Dr Satyajit Vishnu Shukla
Senior Principal Scientist- 0471-2515385
- satyajit_shukla[at]niist[dot]res[dot]in

Dr Srinivasan A
Senior Principal Scientist- 0471-2515248
- asrinivasan[at]niist[dot]res[dot]in

Dr.Achu Chandran
Senior Scientist- achuchandran[at]niist[dot]res[dot]in, ac60369[at]gmail[dot]com

Sri.Peer Mohamed A
Senior Technical Officer (3)- 0471-2515315, 0471-2515412
- peer2010niist[at]gmail[dot]com, peer[at]niist[dot]res[dot]in

Dr.Ramaswamy S
Senior Technical Officer (2)- 0471 - 2515310 , 0471 - 2515387
- che_swamy[at]niist[dot]res[dot]in

Sri.Harish Raj V
Senior Technical Officer (1)- 0471 2515471
- harishraj[at]niist[dot]res[dot]in