Dr.Biswapriya Deb

- Dr.Biswapriya Deb
- Senior Principal Scientist
- biswapriya.deb@niist.res.in
- 0471-2515478
Biswapriya received his MSc (Physics) degree from Calcutta University in 1998. In 2003, he obtained a Ph.D. in Materials Science from Jadavpur University for conducting thin film research in the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS). He received postdoctoral trainings at Dept. of Chemical Eng. and Materials Science (CEMS), University of Minnesota and later at Dept. of Chemical Eng., University of Louisville, USA. Later he worked as a Research Scientist (Industrial) position at Institute of Advanced Materials & Renewable Energy (IAMRE) until 2009. In 2010, he joined as a postdoctoral fellow in National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, and worked on a Japan-Spain bilateral research project. Biswapriya joined NIIST, Trivandrum, in May 2012.
Orcid: 0000-0001-7954-9386 Scopas: 12805341100
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=u22UNccAAAAJ&hl=en
Researcher ID: E-4880-2012
- Principal Scientist Chemical Science and Technology Division, National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR), Trivandrum, Kerala. From May 2016-Present
- Senior Scientist, Chemical Science and Technology Division, National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR), Trivandrum, Kerala. From May 2012-2016
- POST DOCTORAL ASSCOCIATE, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, 2010-2012
- RESEARCH SCIENTIST (INDUSTRIAL), Institute for Advanced Material & Renewable Energy (IAMRE), University of Louisville, USA, 2007- 2009
- RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, Dept. of Chemical Eng. , University of Louisville, USA, 2004- 2007
- POST DOCTORAL RESEARCHER, Dept. of Chemical Eng and Materials Sc (CEMS), University of Minnesota, USA, 2003- 2004
- Ph.D., Dept. of Materials Science, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Jadavpur, WB, India, 1999-2003
- Awarded National Scholarship for the 10th & 12th level Examinations, India
- Awarded University Grants Commission(UGC) Scholarship (Govt. of India) in Graduation, India
- Recipient of Somnath Banerjee Memorial Gold Medal for Outstanding Physics Student from Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur, W.Bengal, India
- Awarded Junior and Senior Research Fellowships from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India
Ongoing Projects
- Development of thermoelectric modules with enhanced performance in TEG and TEC modes (GAIL funded project, PHASE-II)
- Translating Electrochromic Devices to 1’ × 1’ Dynamic Windows: Towards Industrial Smart Glass Technologies (CSIR-Fast Track Commercialization)
- Chromogenic Materials for smart coating applications (2nd phase, CSIR-Niche Creating Project)
- Composite Materials for Flexible Electrochromic Devices (CSIR- Advanced Materials Mission)
- Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanomaterials for Non-Conventional Energy Technologies (DST Nanomission)
- Investigation of Zintl phases as efficient thermoelectric materials for energy conversion (DST extramural)
- A Proposal for Setting Up a Fully Analytical High-Resolution Transmission Microscope Facility at CSIR-NIIST for Cutting Edge Research, Product Development & Knowledge Generation (CRIR facility creation project)
- Development of smart chromogenic coatings for building/display applications (CSIR-INTELCOAT)
- Surface modified nanostructures for biomarker probe development (CSIR-M2D)
- Non equilibrium transport in organic solar cells CSIR-TAPSUN
- Organic based hybrid thermoelectric materials for low cost refrigeration usage, Sponsored by Gas authority of India Limited (GAIL), ~147 lacs
- Ph.D. in Materials Science, IACS (Jadavpur University), India 1999-2003
- M.Sc. in Physics (Minor-Electronics), Calcutta University, India 1996-1998
- B.Sc. in Physics (Major) and Chemistry/Maths (Minors), Calcutta University, India, 1993-1996
- Ph.D. in Materials Science, IACS (Jadavpur University), India 1999-2003
- M.Sc. in Physics (Minor-Electronics), Calcutta University, India 1996-1998
- B.Sc. in Physics (Major) and Chemistry/Maths (Minors), Calcutta University, India, 1993-1996
Selected Publications
- S. Sajitha and Biswapriya Deb, “Studies on Spontaneously Reduced Vanadium Pentoxide Xerogel Coatings for Electro-Chromic Applications”, Electrochimica Acta, 389 2021 138629
- Ranjana V., Gayathri P.T.G., Bhagya B.S., Amritha P., Lakshmi V.K., Nayan D. M., and Biswapriya Deb “Integrating Exceptional Visible Modulation, Near-Infrared Shielding and Energy Storage in an All-Solid-Electrochromic Bilayer Device” Chemical Eng. Journal, 423 (2021) 130306
- Indulekha M., Anjali N., Nayan D.M, Sreejith Shankar, Biswapriya Deb, A. Ajayaghosh, “Ligand Controlled Molecular Permeability and Electrochromic Diversification with Multi-Layer Coated Metallosupramolecular Assemblies” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 (2021) 5245
- Shaiju S.S., Swastik Nath, Biswapriya Deb “Phase Transition Studies on Solution Processed Vanadium Dioxide Coatings Through Optical Measurements” J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 32 (2021) 2627
- Vijitha I., Neethi R., Arjun P, Yuvaraj T.P, Vijayakumar C., Biswapriya Deb “MWCNT/Thienothiophene based All-Organic Thermoelectric Composites: Enhanced Performance by Realigning of the Fermi Level through Doping” Chemical Engineering Journal 409 (2021) 128294
- Remya Ravi, Sajitha Surendren, Biswapriya Deb “Studies on All-Solid Electrochromic Devices Fabricated by a Bilayered Assembly of Hydrated Vanadium Pentoxide and PEDOT:PSS Coatings”, Surfaces and Interfaces, 22 (2021) 100860
- Remya Ravi, Gayathri P.T.G., Biswapriya Deb “Studies on solution-processed tungsten oxide nanostructures for efficient hole transport in the inverted polymer solar cells”, Mat. Chem. Phys. 255 (2020) 123584
- Sandeepa KV, Remya Ravi, B Deb, Joshy Joseph, “A Cross-Linkable Electron Transport Layer Based on a Fullerene–Benzoxazine Derivative for Inverted Polymer Solar Cells” ChemPlusChem 85 (2020), 1534
- Remya Ravi, Biswapriya Deb, “Studies on one-step-synthesized hydrated vanadium pentoxide for efficient hole transport in organic photovoltaics”, Energy Technol. 8 (2020), 1901323
- S. Sajitha, U. Aparna, Biswapriya Deb “Ultra-thin Manganese Dioxide Encrusted Vanadium Pentoxide Nanowire Mats for Electrochromic Energy Storage Applications”, Adv. Mater. Interfaces (2019), 1901038
- S. Abraham, P.T.G. Gayathri, S. Varughese, B. Deb, J. Joseph, “Cross-Linkable Fluorene-Diphenylamine Derivatives for Electrochromic Applications”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 (45) 25424–25433 2015
- P.T.G. Gayathri, R. Remya, B. Deb, “A pragmatic approach to methyl methacrylate based solid polymer electrolyte processing: A case study for electrochromism”, Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. Cells 140 17–24 2015
- B. Deb, Y. Isoda, P. Diaz-Chao, O. Caballero-Calero, M.S. Martin-Gonzalez, Y. Shinohara, “Heat treatment effects on electrochemically grown Bi2Te3 thin films for thermoelectric applications”, J. Mater. Trans. 53(8) 1481-1485 2012
- B. Deb, V. Kumar, T. Druffel, M.K. Sunkara, “Surface modification of titania nanoparticles using a fluidized bed inductively coupled plasma reactor”, Nanotechnology 20 (18)465701, 2009
- S. Gubbala, H.B. Russel, H. Shah, B. Deb, J. Jasinsky, H. Rypkema, M.K. Sunkara, “Surface properties of SnO2 nanowires for enhanced performance with dye-sensitized solar cells” Energy and Environmental Science Journal 2, 1302-1309, 2009
- B. Deb, S. Desai, G. Sumanasekhara, M. K. Sunkara, “Gas sensing behavior of mat-like networked nanowire thin films”, Nanotechnology 18(28) , 285501, 2007
- J. Thangala, S. Vaddiraju, R. Bogale, R. Thurman, T. Powers, B. Deb, M.K. Sunkara, “Large-Scale, Hot-Filament Assisted Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide and Related Transition Metal Oxide Nanowires”, Small, 3(5), 890, 2007
Patents & Inventions
- Electrochromic bi-layered devices for dynamic light throughput control and a process for the preparation thereof. Biswapriya Deb, PTG Gayathri, V Ranjana, Appl No. 202011034413
- A transparent gel electrolyte system and fast switching electrochromic devices thereof, Biswapriya Deb, A. Ajayaghosh, PTG Gayathri, V Ranjana, Sreejith Shankar P., Appl No. 202011006474
- Electrochromic devices based on cross-linkable fluorene-diphenylamine derivatives and a process for the preparation thereof, J. Joshy, Biswapriya Deb, A. Silja, PTG Gayathri (Under preparation)
- Thermoelectric materials and the preparation thereof. Biswapriya Deb, C. Vijayakumar, I. Vijitha, Manoj R Meshram, C. Satyanarayana, Jaivinder Singh, T.P. Yuvaraj (50% shared between CSIR and GAIL, Appl. No. 201811035273
Research Interest
Our primary group activity is to make energy efficient devices with variety of inorganic, organic and hybrid systems. Therefore, we operate in a broad interdisciplinary range that requires skills in Physics, Chemistry, Nanoscience and Engineering.