Dr.Narayanan Unni K N

- Dr.Narayanan Unni K N
- Senior Principal Scientist & Head, Photosciences
- unni@niist.res.in
- 0471-2515364
- http://niist.irins.org/profile/64933
Narayanan Unni studied Physics at C. M. S. College, Kottayam and obtained his B. Sc. in 1990. He received M. Sc. degree in Physics from School of Pure & Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University with specialization in Materials Science in 1993. His Ph. D work on phthalocyanine thin films was carried out under the guidance of Prof. C. S. Menon at School of Pure & Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University and the degree was awarded in 2001. Then he worked with Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay as a post-doctoral research associate on fabrication of diamond thin films and carbon nanotubes by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. In 2002, he joined Prof. Jean-Michel Nunzi’s group as a post-doctoral fellow in Laboratoire Propriétés Optiques des Matériaux et Applications (CNRS) at University of Angers, France and worked towards developing organic electronic devices. In 2005, he returned to India and joined Samtel Color Ltd, New Delhi and was posted at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur as a visiting Research Engineer on deputation. His group developed organic light emitting diode (OLED) based displays for the first time in India. In 2008, he was promoted to be the team leader and by 2012 the group developed commercial quality prototypes. In July 2012, he joined Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur as a Principal Research Engineer and in April 2013, he joined National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology as Principal Scientist in the Photosciences and Photonics group. Under his leadership, a full-fledged device fabrication and characterization facility was set up for optoelectronic devices. At present, he is a Senior Principal Scientist and a Professor with the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR). His current research interests are efficient lighting using OLEDs, sensing using OFETS, photodetectors and large area DSSC modules.
- Senior Principal Scientist, Chemical Sciences and Technology Division, National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR), Trivandrum, Kerala. From April 2018 till date.
- Principal Scientist, Chemical Sciences and Technology Division, National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR), Trivandrum, Kerala. From April 2013 April 2018
- Principal Research Engineer at Samtel Center for Display Technologies, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. July 2012 – April 2013.
- Senior Project Scientist, Samtel Center for Display Technologies, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and Manager (R&D), Samtel Color Ltd. May 2012-July 2012.
- Team Leader, Prototype Development Unit, OLED group, Samtel Center for Display Technologies, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and Manager (R&D), Samtel Color Ltd., New Delhi, August 2008 – March 2012.
- Team Member, Prototype Development Unit, OLED group, Samtel Center for Display Technologies, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and Assistant Manager (R & D), Samtel Color Ltd., New Delhi, June 2005 – July 2008.
- Post-doctoral Fellow at Laboratoire Propriétés Optiques des Matériaux et Applications (UMR-CNRS), Université Angers, France; Nov 2002 – June 2005.
- Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India, Jan 2001 – Aug 2002.
- Fellow, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (FIETE) (2021)
- CSIR Technology Award 2020 under the best innovation category
- Member, Board of Studies on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Kerala
- Distinguished Speaker on Teachers Day at PG Special Lecture Series by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, 2019
- Best poster: DST-International Meet on Clean Energy Materials Innovation Challenge, (21-22 Feb 2019)
- Outstanding reviewer recognition: Dyes and Pigments, Elsevier (2016)
- Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on Organic Electronics, International Journal of Photoenergy, Hindawi Publishers (2013)
- Citation from Chairman and Managing Director, Samtel Color Ltd, New Delhi (2007)
- Awarded ‘A’ grade in all annual appraisals in Samtel Color Ltd from 2005-2012
- CNRS Post-doctoral Fellowship
- National Merit Scholarship (1985-90)
- A Raman Enhancing Substrate (Sensor) for trace-level analysis and a method of fabrication thereof,
Sanoop C, Sajitha M, Bini Abraham, Anjaly Soman and Yoosaf Karuvath Filed on 29/10/2021
Application Number: 202111049956 - A blue organic light emitting diode and method of fabrication thereof,
K N Narayanan Unni, Girija Samal, Deepak Gupta, 2214/DEL/2008 dated 22/09/2008 - A New Photolithographic Processing Technique for fabricating Defect-Free Organic Light Emitting Diode Displays,
A. Solanki, K N Narayanan Unni, A. Awasthi 2538/DEL/2012 dated 16/08/2012
- Near Infrared Emission from Organic Light Emitting Diodes: Novel Design Strategies, Principal Investigator, CSIR-FIRST (Fundamental & Innovative Research in Science of Tomorrow), Rs. 61 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Towards cost-effective fabrication of White OLEDs for Solid-State Lighting: How to address process complexity and optimal usage of materials, Principal Investigator, SERB-Core Research Grant, Rs. 20 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Development of Raman Spectroscopy based techniques for food adulteration and pesticide residues, Principal Investigator, CSIR Mission Mode Project Advancing Technological Leads for Assuring Safety of Food (ATLAS), Rs. 110 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Digitally connected tribal colonies, Principal Investigator, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) Rs.38 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Perovskite Materials for Light Emitting Diode (LED) & Solar Cell (PSC) Applications, Co-Principal Investigator, CSIR FBR Project, Rs. 52 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Two Electrons by One Photon: Exploring the Singlet Fission Dynamics for Photovoltaic applications, CSIR FBR Project, Co-Principal Investigator, Rs. 37 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Development of wearable electronic skin patches for real time monitoring of human health parameters and tactile sensing, Co-Investigator, DST-Device Development Program, Rs. 131 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Large Area Opto-Electronics for Australia and India: From Materials to Advanced Devices, Co-Principal Investigator, DST-AISRF, Rs.73 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Design and Development of Efficient, Stable and Cost-Effective Organic Dyes and its Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Co-Principal Investigator, SERB, Rs. 1.20 Cr (Completed)
- Engineering nanostructured surfaces for developing SERS sensing platform, Co-Principal Investigator, DBT, Rs.71.52 Lakhs (Completed)
- Partnering Academic Industrial Research (PAIR), Co-Investigator, KSCSTE and M/s. Vinvish Technologies, Rs. 17 Lakhs (Completed)
- Nano-Biosensors and Microfluidics for Health Care Applications, CSIR Mission Mode Program, Co-Investigator, Rs. 749 Lakhs (Completed)
- Fused thiophene based FET devices for lung cancer VOC biomarker detection, Principal Investigator, CSIR, Rs. 50 Lakhs (Completed)
- Design and processing of nanostructured hybrid composite materials for electrochemical energy storage, Principal Investigator, DST-MSE, Govt. of India, Rs.51 Lakhs (Completed)
- Development of Semi-Automatic Equipments for Large Area Dye-Sensitized Solar Module Fabrication, Project Leader, DST, Govt. of India, Rs.220 Lakhs (Completed)
- Investigation of ultrafast dynamics of chromophores involved in singlet exciton fission process for solar cell applications, Co-Principal Investigator), DST, Govt. of India, Rs. 53 Lacs (Completed)
- Charge carrier transport in polymeric and organic semiconducting thin films for application in light emitting diodes, field-effect transistors and photovoltaic devices, Principal Investigator, DST-RFBR, 21 Lacs (Completed)
- LIGHTSOLAR program under TAPSUN network project of CSIR, Project Leader, Rs.6.5 Cr (Completed)
- FlexiSOLAR Program, Novel approaches for solar energy conversion (TAPSUN Network Project), CSIR, Team member, Rs. 576 Lakhs (Completed)
- (2012-2017) (576 Lakhs)
- White OLEDs for lighting applications, Principal Investigator, Faculty initiation grant, IIT Kanpur, Rs 3 lacs
- Full color prototype Organic Light Emitting Diode Displays (Co-Principal Investigator), DST, Govt of India, Rs. 3.4 Cr (Completed)
- The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers (IETE)
- Society for Information Display (SID)
- Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies-Division of Condensed Matter Physics
- Materials Research Society of India
- Indian Physics Association
- Kerala Academy of Sciences
- Academy of Physics Teachers, Kerala
Publications & Conferences
- Ishita Neogi, Vibhu Darshan, Amrutham Linet, P.K.Anjali krishna, Anjitha Sebastian, Gourab Mohanty, Ami Morimoto, C.H.Suresh, Shigeyuki Yagi, Yael Diskin Posner, Flavio Grynszpane, Narayanan Unni,
New boomerang-shaped host materials for phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes, Synthetic Metals 2022, 291, 117185 - Atul Shukla, Van Thi Ngoc Mai, Velayudhan V Divya, Cherumuttathu H Suresh, Megha Paul, Venugopal Karunakaran, Sarah Katariina Martikainen McGregor, Ilene Allison, KN Narayanan Unni, Ayyappanpillai, Ajayaghosh, Ebinazar B Namdas, Shih-Chun Lo, Amplified Spontaneous Emission from Zwitterionic Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer, Journal of Americal Chemical Society 2022, 144, 30, 13499-13510
- M. Manuraj, Visakh V. Mohan, S. Assa Aravindh, S. R. Sarath Kumar K. N. Narayanan Unni, R. B. Rakhi, Can mixed cation transition metal dichalcogenide electrodes enhance the performance of electrochemical energy storage devices? The case of MoS2xSe2(1-x), Chemical Engineering Journal 2022,443,136451
- Jayadev Velore, Sourava Chandra Pradhan, Thomas W. Hamann, Anders Hagfeldt, K. N. Narayanan Unni and Suraj Soman,Understanding Mass Transport in Copper Electrolyte-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022, 5, 2647–2654
- B. Hanna, Lekshmi R. Pillai, Kavya Rajeev, K.P. Surendran, K.N.N. Unni, Visible-blind UV photodetectors using a polymer/ZnO nanocomposite thin film, Sensors and Actuators 2022, 338, 113495
- V. R. Rajeev, K. N. Narayanan Unni, Polymer electret-based organic field-effect transistor memory with a solution-processable bilayer (PaMS/ cross-linked PVP) gate dielectric, European Physical Journal Applied Physics 2022, 97, 17
- Rajeev V. R., Sradha S. Pillai, Jean-Michel Nunzi, K. N. Narayanan Unni, Influence of Polymer Gate Dielectric on Organic Field-Effect Transistors: Interdependence of Molecular Weight, Solvent Polarity and Surface Energy- A Case Study with PMMA and Pentacene, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2021, 307, 2100716 (Selected in Hot Topics: Surfaces and Interfaces of Wiley online library)
- Reethu Haridas, Jayadev Jayadev, Sourava Chandra Pradhan, Vindhyasarumi Asarikal, Yoosaf Karuvath, Suraj Soman, Narayanan Unni KN, Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh, Indoor Light Harvesting Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Surpassing 30% Efficiency without Co-sensitizers, Materials Advances 2021, 2(23), 7773-77784
- Anjali K.Sajeev, Nishkarsh Agarwal, Anjaly Soman, Shilpi Gupta, Monica Katiyar, A.Ajayaghosh, K.N.Narayanan Unni, Enhanced light extraction from organic light emitting diodes using a flexible polymer-nanoparticle scattering layer, Organic Electronics 2021, 100, 106386.
- C. K. Vipin, Atul Shukla, Kavya Rajeev, Monirul Hasan, Shih-Chun Lo, Ebinazar B. Namdas, Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh, and K. N. Narayanan Unni, White organic light-emitting diodes from single emissive layers: Combining exciplex emission with electromer emission, J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 41, 22809–22816.
- Swetha Sasidharan, Anooja Jagadeesh, Sourava C Pradhan, Balagopal N Nair, Abdul Azeez Peer Mohamed, KN Narayanan Unni, Suraj Soman, Unnikrishnan Nair Saraswathy Hareesh, ZnO hierarchical structures as sacrificial inclusions for enhanced performance under full sun and indoor light in bifacial dye sensitized solar cells, Solar Energy 2021, 226, 214-224.
- Vibhu Darshan, VR Rajeev, KN Narayanan Unni, Enhanced performance of room temperature ammonia sensors using morphology-controlled organic field-effect transistors, Organic Electronics 2021, 98, 106280
- Solanki, A.; Awasthi, A.; Unni, K. N. N.; Deepak, An efficient and facile method to develop defect-free OLED displays. Semicond Sci Tech 2021, 36 (6), 065005.
- Kamenan, K. A.; Jagadeesh, A.; Kre, N. R.; Assanvo, E. F.; Soman, S.; Unni, K. N. N., Natural rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis)-based quasi-solid electrolyte as a potential candidate for arresting recombination and improving performance in aqueous dye- sensitized solar cells (Apr, 10.1007/s10854-021-05979-3, 2021). J Mater Sci-Mater El 2021, 32 (11), 14217-14217.
- Kamenan, K. A.; Jagadeesh, A.; Kre, N. R.; Assanvo, E. F.; Soman, S.; Unni, K. N. N., Natural rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis)-based quasi-solid electrolyte as a potential candidate for arresting recombination and improving performance in aqueous dye-sensitized solar cells. J Mater Sci-Mater El 2021, 32 (11), 14207-14216.
- Narayanan, A. P.; Unni, K. N. N.; Surendran, K. P., Aerogels of V2O5 nanowires reinforced by polyaniline for electromagnetic interference shielding. Chem Eng J 2021, 408.
- Rajeev, V. R.; Paulose, A. K.; Unni, K. N. N., Ammonia gas detection using field-effect transistor based on a solution-processable organic semiconductor (vol 158, pg 271, 2018). Vacuum 2021, 184.
- Sasidharan, S.; Pradhan, S. C.; Jagadeesh, A.; Nair, B. N.; Mohamed, A. A. P.; Unni, K. N. N.; Soman, S.; Hareesh, U. N. S., Bifacial Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Enhanced Light Scattering and Improved Power Conversion Efficiency under Full Sun and Indoor Light Conditions. Acs Appl Energ Mater 2020, 3 (12), 12584-12595.
- Manuraj, M.; Jyothilakshmi, S.; Unni, K. N. N.; Rakhi, R. B., MoSe(2)nanoflowers as efficient electrode materials for supercapacitors. J Mater Sci-Mater El 2020, 31 (22), 20571-20577.
- Manuraj, M.; Chacko, J.; Unni, K. N. N.; Rakhi, R. B., Heterostructured MoS2-RuO2 nanocomposite: A promising electrode material for supercapacitors. J Alloy Compd 2020, 836.
- Kakekochi, V.; Gangadharappa, S. C.; Nikhil, P. P.; Chandrasekharan, K.; Darshan, V.; Unni, K. N. N.; Dalimba, U. K., Butterfly-Shaped Thiophene-Pyridine Hybrids: Green Electroluminescence and Large Third-Order Optical Nonlinearities. Chempluschem 2020, 85 (8), 1762-1777.
- Hanna, B.; Manuraj, M.; Surendran, K. P.; Unni, K. N. N., Opto-electronic properties of solution-processed zinc oxide thin films: role of solvents and doping. J Mater Sci-Mater El 2020, 31 (16), 13570-13577.
- Manuraj, M.; Nair, K. V. K.; Unni, K. N. N.; Rakhi, R. B., High performance supercapacitors based on MoS2 nanostructures with near commercial mass loading. J Alloy Compd 2020, 819.
- Soman, A.; Sajeev, A. K.; Rajeev, K.; Unni, K. N. N., Reversible Shift from Excitonic to Excimer Emission in Fluorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: Dependence on Deposition Parameters and Electrical Bias. Acs Omega 2020, 5 (3), 1698-1707.
- Hemavathi, B.; Jayadev, V.; Ramamurthy, P. C.; Pai, R. K.; Unni, K. N. N.; Ahipa, T. N.; Soman, S.; Balakrishna, R. G., Variation of the donor and acceptor in D-A-pi-A based cyanopyridine dyes and its effect on dye sensitized solar cells. New J Chem 2019, 43 (39), 15673-15680.
- Mohan, K. N. M.; Unni, K. N. N.; Rakhi, R. B., 2D organic-inorganic hybrid composite material as a high-performance supercapacitor electrode. Vacuum 2019, 166, 335-340.
- Allison, I.; Lim, H.; Shukla, A.; Ahmad, V.; Hasan, M.; Deshmukh, K.; Wawrzinek, R.; McGregor, S. K. M.; Clegg, J.; Divya, V. V.; Govind, C.; Suresh, C. H.; Karunakaran, V.; Unni, K. N. N.; Ajayaghosh, A.; Namdas, E. B.; Lo, S. C., Solution Processable Deep-Red Phosphorescent Pt(II) Complex: Direct Conversion from Its Pt(IV) Species via a Base-Promoted Reduction. Acs Appl Electron Ma 2019, 1 (7), 1304-1313.
- Soman, A.; Unni, K. N. N., Enhancement in electron transport and exciton confinement in OLEDs: role of n-type doping and electron blocking layers. Eur Phys J-Appl Phys 2019, 86 (1).
- Deepthi, K.; Amal, R. R. B.; Rajeev, V. R.; Unni, K. N. N.; Gowd, E. B., Directed Assembly of Hierarchical Supramolecular Block Copolymers: A Strategy To Create Donor Acceptor Charge-Transfer Stacks. Macromolecules 2019, 52 (7), 2889-2899.
- Malov, V. V.; Ghosh, T.; Nair, V. C.; Maslov, M. M.; Katin, K. P.; Unni, K. N. N.; Tameev, A. R., Hole mobility in thieno[3,2-b]thiophene oligomers. Mendeleev Commun 2019, 29 (2), 218-219.
- Santhini, P. V.; Jayadev, V.; Pradhan, S. C.; Lingamoorthy, S.; Nitha, P. R.; Chaithanya, M. V.; Mishra, R. K.; Unni, K. N. N.; John, J.; Soman, S., Indolo[3,2-b]indole donor-based D–A dyes for DSCs: investigating the role of -spacers towards recombination. New J Chem 2019, 43 (2), 862-873.
- Rajeev, V. R.; Paulose, A. K.; Unni, K. N. N., Ammonia gas detection using field-effect transistor based on a solution-processable organic semiconductor. Vacuum 2018, 158, 271-277.
- Hemavathi, B.; Jayadev, V.; Pradhan, S. C.; Gokul, G.; Jagadish, K.; Chandrashekara, G. K.; Ramamurthy, P. C.; Pai, R. K.; Unni, K. N. N.; Ahipa, T. N.; Soman, S.; Balakrishna, R. G., Aggregation induced light harvesting of molecularly engineered D-A-pi-A carbazole dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells. Sol Energy 2018, 174, 1085-1096.
- Remya, R.; Gayathri, P. T. G.; Unni, K. N. N.; Deb, B., Physicochemical Studies on Nafion (R) Modified ZnO Interlayers for Enhanced Electron Transport in the Inverted Polymer Solar Cells. Chemistryselect 2018, 3 (35), 9995-10001.
- Krishna, A.; Darshan, V.; Suresh, C. H.; Unni, K. N. N.; Varma, R. L., Solution processable carbazole derivatives for dopant free single molecule white electroluminescence by room temperature phosphorescence. J Photoch Photobio A 2018, 360, 249-254.
- Soman, A.; Manuraj, M.; Unni, K. N. N., Addressing the efficiency roll-off in a fluorescent OLED by facile electron transport layer doping and carrier confinement. Opt Mater 2018, 79, 413-419.
- Thurakkal, S.; Soman, A.; Unni, K. N. N.; Joseph, J.; Ramaiah, D., Simple solution processable carbazole-oxadiazole hybrids for un-doped deep-blue OLEDs. J Photoch Photobio A 2018, 358, 192-200.
- Thurakkal, S.; Sanju, K. S.; Soman, A.; Unni, K. N. N.; Joseph, J.; Ramaiah, D., Design and synthesis of solution processable green fluorescent D-pi-A dyads for OLED applications. New J Chem 2018, 42 (7), 5456-5464.
- Okamura, N.; Maeda, T.; Fujiwara, H.; Soman, A.; Unni, K. N. N.; Ajayaghosh, A.; Yagi, S., Photokinetic study on remarkable excimer phosphorescence from heteroleptic cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes bearing a benzoylated 2-phenylpyridinate ligand. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2018, 20 (1), 542-552.
- Hanna, B.; Surendran, K. P.; Unni, K. N. N., Low temperature-processed ZnO thin films for p-n junction-based visible-blind ultraviolet photodetectors. Rsc Adv 2018, 8 (65), 37365-37374.
- Sasidharan, S.; Soman, S.; Pradhan, S. C.; Unni, K. N. N.; Mohamed, A. A. P.; Nair, B. N.; Saraswathy, H. U. N., Fine tuning of compact ZnO blocking layers for enhanced photovoltaic performance in ZnO based DSSCs: a detailed insight using beta recombination, EIS, OCVD and IMVS techniques. New J Chem 2017, 41 (3), 1007-1016.
- Sharma, R. K.; Katiyar, M.; Rao, I. V. K.; Unni, K. N. N.; Deepak, Effect of the electric field during annealing of organic light emitting diodes for improving its on/off ratio. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2016, 18 (4), 2747-2755.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Majumdar, H. S.; Nambuthiry, M. A. G., Organic Electronics. Int J Photoenergy 2013, 2013.
- Uttwani, P. K.; Villari, B. C.; Unni, K. N. N.; Singh, R.; Awasthi, A.; Deepak, Detection of Physical Defects in Full Color Passive-Matrix OLED Display by Image Driving Techniques. J Disp Technol 2012, 8 (3), 154-161.
- Singh, R.; Unni, K. N. N.; Solanki, A.; Deepak, Improving the contrast ratio of OLED displays: An analysis of various techniques. Opt Mater 2012, 34 (4), 716-723.
- Samal, G. S.; Unni, K. N. N.; Bharat, S.; Deepak, Improved Performance of a Fluorescent Blue Organic Light Emitting Diode with Hole Blocking Materials as Dopants for Transport Layers. Tms 2010 139th Annual Meeting & Exhibition – Supplemental Proceedings, Vol 3: General Paper Selections 2010, 41-45.
- Samal, G. S.; Unni, K. N. N.; Bharat, S.; Gupta, S.; Deepak, Improved efficiency in fluorescent blue organic light emitting diode with a carrier confining structure. Org Electron 2009, 10 (7), 1201-1208.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Dabos-Seignon, S.; Pandey, A. K.; Nunzi, J. M., Influence of the polymer dielectric characteristics on the performance of pentacene organic field-effect transistors. Solid State Electron 2008, 52 (2), 179-181.
- Pandey, A. K.; Unni, K. N. N.; Nunzi, J. M., Pentacene/Perylene co-deposited solar cells. Thin Solid Films 2006, 511, 529-532.
- Alem, S.; Pandey, A. K.; Unni, K. N. N.; Nunzi, J. M.; Blanchard, P., Molecular model T6 : C-60 bulk-heterojunction solar cells. J Vac Sci Technol A 2006, 24 (3), 645-648.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Pandey, A. K.; Alem, S.; Nunzi, J. M., Ambipolar organic field-effect transistor fabricated by co-evaporation of pentacene and N,N ‘-ditridecylperylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide. Chem Phys Lett 2006, 421 (4-6), 554-557.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Dabos-Seignon, S.; Nunzi, J. M., Influence of the polymer dielectric characteristics on the performance of a quaterthiophene organic field-effect transistor (vol 41, pg 317, 2006). J Mater Sci 2006, 41 (6), 1865-1871.
- Tyagi, P. K.; Misra, A.; Unni, K. N. N.; Rai, P.; Singh, M. K.; Palnitkar, U.; Misra, D. S.; Le Normand, F.; Roy, M.; Kulshreshtha, S. K., Step growth in single crystal diamond grown by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. Diam Relat Mater 2006, 15 (2-3), 304-308.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Dabos-Seignon, S.; Nunzi, J. M., Influence of the polymer dielectric characteristics on the performance of a quaterthiophene organic field-effect transistor. J Mater Sci 2006, 41 (2), 317-322.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Pandey, A. K.; Nunzi, J. M., N-channel organic field-effect transistors using N,N ‘-ditridecylperylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide and a polymeric dielectric. Chem Phys Lett 2005, 407 (1-3), 95-99.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Dabos-Seignon, S.; Nunzi, J. M., Improved performance of pentacene field-effect transistors using a polyimide gate dieletric layer. J Phys D Appl Phys 2005, 38 (8), 1148-1151.
- Unni, K. N. N.; de Bettignies, R.; Dabos-Seignon, S.; Nunzi, J. M., A nonvolatile memory element based on a quaterthiophene field-effect transistor. Mater Lett 2005, 59 (10), 1165-1168.
- Unni, K. N. N.; de Bettignies, R.; Dabos-Seignon, S.; Nunzi, J. M., A nonvolatile memory element based on an organic field-effect transistor. Appl Phys Lett 2004, 85 (10), 1823-1825.
- Unni, K. N. N.; de Bettignies, R.; Dabos-Seignon, S.; Nunzi, J. M., The memory effect of a pentacene field effect transistor with a polarizable gate dielectric. Proc Spie 2004, 5351, 166-+.
- Titus, E.; Singh, M. K.; Unni, K. N. N.; Tyagi, P. K.; Dua, A. K.; Roy, M.; Misra, D. S., Diamond nucleation and growth on zeolites. Diam Relat Mater 2003, 12 (10-11), 1647-1652.
- Unni, K. N. N., Optical characterization of europium diphthalocyanine thin films. Mater Lett 2003, 57 (15), 2215-2218.
- Titus, E., M. K. Singh, K.N. Narayanan Unni, P. K. Tyagi, D. S. Misra, Microporous diamond films on zeolites by CVD technique, Solid State Physics (India) 2003, 45,189
- Umesh Palnitkar, V.S.Shirodkar, Manoj K. Singh, Elby Titus, P.K.Tyagi, K.N.N. Unni, D.S.Misra, P.Ayuub, and D.K.Avasthi, Effect of heavy ion irradiation on self supported diamond sheets, Diam and Relat Mater 2003, 12,1771.
- Joseph, C. M.; Unni, K. N. N.; Menon, C. S., Static induction transistor characteristics of organic copper phthalocyanine films. Mater Lett 2001, 50 (1), 18-20.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Menon, C. S., Investigations on sandwich structures of metal-free phthalocyanine (H2Pc) thin films using gold electrodes. Indian J Pure Ap Phy 2001, 39 (3), 159-162.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Menon, C. S., Electrical and optical studies on metal-free phthalocyanine thin films. J Mater Sci Lett 2001, 20 (13), 1207-1209.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Menon, C. S., Electrical and optical studies on europium diphthalocyanine thin films. J Mater Sci Lett 2001, 20 (13), 1203-1205.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Menon, C. S., Electrical and optical studies on nickel phthalocyanine thin films. J Mater Sci Lett 2000, 19 (22), 2003-2005.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Menon, C. S., Electrical, optical and structural studies on nickel phthalocyanine thin films. Mater Lett 2000, 45 (6), 326-330.
- Unni, K. N. N.; Menon, C. S., Studies on the transport properties of nickel phthalocyanine thin films using gold electrodes. Solid State Physics, Vol 41, 1998 1999, 466-467.
- N. Narayanan Unni and C. S. Menon, Grain size determination of vacuum evaporated thin films of nickel phthalocyanine, Asian Journal of Physics, 1997 6, 417
Selected Conferences:
- Kavya Rajeev, Narayanan Unni K. N., Dual Functional Exciplex With a Simple Device Design for Blue, Yellow and White Organic Light Emitting Diodes, Kavya Rajeev, an oral presentation at 34th Kerala Science Congress held during 10-12 February,2022 at Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram
- Vibhu Darshan , Narayanan Unni K. N., Room Temperature Ammonia Sensors Using Morphology-Controlled Organic Field-Effect Transistors, an oral presentation at 34th Kerala Science Congress held during 10-12 February,2022 at Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram
- Kavya Rajeev, Narayanan Unni K. N., White Orgainc Light Emitting Diodes by Utilizing Blue Exciplex as an Emitter and as a Host; Towards Cost-effective OLEDs, a Poster presentation at National Conference on Indian Analytical Science Congress 2022, held during March 10 – 12, 2022 at Tea County Hill Resort, Munnar, Kerala
- Vibhu Darshan, Narayanan Unni K. N., Enhanced Performance of Air-Stable Organic Field-Effect Transistor Based Room Temperature Ammonia Sensors With a Porous Monolayer Film, a poster presentation at National Conference on Indian Analytical Science Congress 2022, held during March 10 – 12, 2022 at Tea County Hill Resort, Munnar, Kerala
- Kavya Rajeev, Anjali K. Sajeev, Vipin C. K. and Narayanan Unni K. N. A Promising Blue OLED Employing Efficient Energy Transfer Between Host and Dopant Molecules, 12-14 June 2019, International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM-2019), AIP Conference, Nirmalagiri College, Kannur. AIP Conference Proceedings
- Manuraj Mohan, K.N. Narayanan Unni, and R.B. Rakhi High performance reduced graphene – Ternary chalcogenide composite for Supercapacitor application 1-2 November, 2019, International Conference on Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Nanomaterials (SCAN) Kolkata
- Vibhu Darshan , E. C. Mahesh, K. N. Narayanan Unni Influence of dielectric surface and channel length on the performance of polymer dielectric based organic thin film transistor, 1-2 November 2019, International Conference on Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Nanomaterials (SCAN), Kolkata
- Manuraj Mohan, K.N. Narayanan Unni, and R.B. Rakhi High performance Supercapacitors based on MoS2 nanostructures with near commercial mass loading, December 9-10,2019, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2019) CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Anjali K. Sajeev and Narayanan Unni K. N Enhanced performance of perovskite light emitting diodes using a polymer incorporated emissive layer December 9-10,20193rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2019) CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Vibhu Darshan, V. R. Rajeev, Abhijith S Kumar, K. N. Narayanan Unni Organic Field Effect Transistor based Ammonia Sensor , December 9-10,2019, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2019) CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Hanna B., Surendran K. P. and Narayanan Unni K. N. Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on ZnO nanorods December 9-10,2019, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2019), CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Vipin C K, Kavya Rajeev, Narayanan Unni K. N White OLED using exciplex emission from high mobility hole and electron transporting materials, December 9-10,2019, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2019), CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Anjali K Sajeev, Narayanan Unni K. N Studies on the effect of electron transport layers on methyl ammonium lead bromide based light emitting diode 18-20 December 2019, National Conference on Recent trends in Materials Science and Technology (NCMST-2019), IIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Kavya Rajeev, Vipin C K, K. N. Narayanan Unni An investigation into the emission mechanisms of NPB based blue OLEDs, 18-20 December 2019, National Conference on Recent trends in Materials Science and Technology (NCMST-2019 ) IIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Anjali K. Sajeev, Anjaly Soman, K. N. Narayanan Unni, Improved Optical Outcoupling From Organic light Emitting Diodes Using a Polymer Nanoparticle Scattering Layer, 5-7 February 2020 14th International Conference on Ecomaterials, ICEM-14, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Kavya Rajeev 1,2, Vipin C. K.1, K. N. Narayanan Unni1,2* Deep Blue OLEDs Utilizing Forster Energy Transfer between Hole Transport and Electron Transport Materials, ICEM-14, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- B. Hanna , K.P. Surendran, K. N. Narayanan Unni Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on ZnO Nano rods synthesized by Chemical Bath Deposition Method 5-7 February 2020, 14th International Conference on Ecomaterials, ICEM-14, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Vibhu Darshan, Abhijith S. Kumar, Aswathi H., Vijayakumar C. Nair, Joshy Joseph, K. N. Narayanan Unni, OFET Based VOC Sensor with Improved Sensitivity 5-7 February 2020, 14th International Conference on Ecomaterials, ICEM-14, CSIR-NIIST,Thiruvananthapuram
- Jayadev, S. C. Pradhan, V. Sarumi, R. Haridas, Narayanan Unni K. N., S. Soman, Yoosaf K., A. Ajayaghosh, Probing device dynamics in highly efficient indoor/ambient light harvesting solar cells, Oct 3-5 2018, 14th JNC Conference, Thiruvananthapuram
- Hanna B, Manuraj Mohan, Surendran K P, Rakhi R B and Narayanan Unni K N, ZnO nanoflower/ Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite Electrodes for Supercapacitors, 19-21 December, 2018, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science Technology & Application of Electron Microscope (STAEM)-2018, Thiruvananthapuram
- Swetha S et al ZnO hierarchical structures as fugitive inclusion for enhance light scattering in TiO2 photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cell 19-21 December, 2018, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science Technology & Application of Electron Microscope (STAEM)-2018, Thiruvananthapuram
- Manuraj Mohan, Narayanan Unni K. N., Rakhi B. R., Commercial level mass loading of MoS2 nanotubes grown on Ni foam substrates for super capacitor applications13-16 March 2019, International Conference on Frontiers in Materials from Basic Science to Real-time applications(F2DM-2019), CNMS-JAIN University Bangalore
- Rajeev V. R., Sradha S. Pillai, Vibhu Darshan, Narayanan Unni K. N., Influence of gate dielectric processing on the performance of OFETs: effect of solvent polarity 2-3 February 2019, Kerala Science Congress, Kollam
- Anjali K Sajeev, Anjaly Soman, K. N. Narayanan Unni, Enhanced light extraction from organic light emitting diodes using a nanoparticle scattering Layer, 2-3 February 2019 Kerala Science Congress, Kollam
- Hanna B, Surendran K. P. Narayanan Unni K. N. Ultraviolet photodetectors based on zinc oxide: dependence on morphology, 2-3 February 2019, Kerala Science Congress, Kollam
- Manuraj M., Narayanan Unni K. N., Rakhi R B High-performance Ternary Chalcogenide electrode for supercapacitor application, 28 – 30 January 2019, The International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN-2019), SRM University
- Manuraj M., Narayanan Unni K. N., Rakhi R B, Conducting Polymer Coated Nanocoils as Efficient Supercapacitor Electrodes held , November 17 2018, Polymer Conference for Young Researchers (PCYR-18), CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- Jayadev V., Sourava C. Pradhan, Vindya Sarumi, Reethu Haridas, Suraj Soman, Yoosuf Karuvath, Narayanan Unni K. N. and A. Ajayaghosh, Probing Device Dynamics in Highly Efficient Indoor/Ambient Light Harvesting Solar Cells, January, 2019, CUSAT, IconMAT 2019, Cochin University of Science and Technology
- Rajeev V R, Sradha. S. Pillai, Narayanan Unni K. N Studies on the Influence of Gate Dielectric on the Performance of Organic Field-Effect Transistors: Effect of Solvent Polarity, October 2018 International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science and Technology (ICMST 2018), ISRO Thiruvananthapuram
- Rajeev V R, Akhil K. Paulose, Narayanan Unni K. N., Fabrication And Characterisation Of Poly-3-hexylthiophene -Based Organic Field Effect Transistor (OFET) For Ammonia Sensing, 20-22 September, 8th East Asia Symposium on Functional Dyes and Advanced Materials (EAS 8) at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram
- Hanna B., Manuraj M. and K.N. Narayanan Unni Studies on p-doped ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel technique 20-22 September 8th East Asia Symposium on Functional Dyes and Advanced Materials (EAS 8) at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram
- Anjaly Soman, K N Narayanan Unni, Exciton Confinement and Carrier Transport: Role of Electron Blocking Layers, 20-22 September, 8th East Asia Symposium on Functional Dyes and Advanced Materials (EAS 8) at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram
- Shameel Thurakkal, Krishnankutty S. Sanju, Anjaly Soman, K. N. Narayanan Unni, Joshy Joseph, Danaboyina Ramaiah, Solution Processable Green Fluorescent Emitters with Low Singlet-Triplet Energy Gap for OLED, Applications, 20-22 September 8th East Asia Symposium on Functional Dyes and Advanced Materials (EAS 8) at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram
- Hanna B. and K.N. Narayanan Unni, Ultraviolet photodetector based on NPB/ZnO nanoparticle heterojunction 14-16, February, 2018, National Conference on Luminescence and its Applications, at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram
- C. Swetha , G. Ramanjaneya Reddy , G. Umasankar , Anjaly Soman , K. N. Narayanan Unni , V Jayathirtha Rao Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Organic Materials for Application in Organic Light Emitting Diodes 14-16, February, 2018, National Conference on Luminescence and its Applications, at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram
- Hanna B., K.N. Narayanan Unni and K.P. Surendran, Annealing free ZnO nanocomposite thin films for ultraviolet photodetectors, 14-16 April, International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018): Energy and Biomedical Applications, Chandigarh
- Anjali K. Sajeev, Anjaly Soman, K. N. Narayanan Unni Enhanced Optical Outcoupling From Organic Light Emitting Diodes Using a Polymer-Nanoparticle Scattering Layer, 14-16 April, International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018): Energy and Biomedical Applications, Chandigarh
- Rajeev V. R., Akhil K. Paulose, Narayanan Unni K. N., Ammonia Gas Sensor Based on Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) Organic Field-Effect Transistor 14-16, April, International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018): Energy and Biomedical Applications, Chandigarh
- Manuraj Mohan, K. N. Narayanan Unni and R. B. Rakhi, 2D Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Composite Material as a High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrode, 14-16 April, International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018): Energy and Biomedical Applications, Chandigarh
- Anjali K. Sajeev, Anjaly Soman, K. N. Narayanan Unni Enhanced optical outcoupling from organic light emitting diodes using nanoparticle scattering layer 1-3 October, 2017, JNC Conference, Thiruvananthapuram
- A. Soman, Unni K. N. N., The Effect of Electric Field on the Exciton Diffusion Process in OLEDs, 9-11, January 2017, National Conference on Luminescence and Applications-2017
- A. Soman, A. Varghese, Rajeev V. R., Unni K. N. N. Aggregation induced tuning of electroluminescence in an organic light emitting diode July06-08, 2015, National Conference on Materials Science and Technology (NCMST-2015), IIST, Thiruvananthapuram
- OLED Display Fabrication, Defect Detection and Light Outcoupling, Deepak, K. N. Narayanan Unni, Boby C. Villari, A. Awasthi, P. Uttwani, A. Solanki (ICLA-2012, Hyderabad, February 2012)
- New processing technique of photolithography to make defect-free organic light emitting diode display, K. N. Narayanan Unni, Deepak, R. Singh, A. Awasthi, A. Solanki, International workshop on physics of semiconductor devices, IIT Kanpur, Dec 19-22, 2011
- Design and optimization of a silver based microcavitynfor organic light emitting diode, R. Singh, V. Shukla, K. N. Narayanan Unni, International workshop on physics of semiconductor devices, IIT Kanpur, Dec 19-22, 2011
- Improved Performance of a Fluorescent Blue Organic Light Emitting Diode with Hole Blocking Materials as Dopants for Transport Layers, G. S. Samal, K. N. Narayanan Unni, S Bharat, Deepak, TMS Annual Meeting 2010, Feb 14-18, 2010, Seattle, USA
- Optimization of oxygen plasma process parameters for organic light emitting diode displays, K. N. Narayanan Unni, A. Awasti, J. Harshitha, S. S. Bhagwat, ASID-06, October 8-12, New Delhi, India
- Pentacene-perylene co-deposited solar cell, A. K. Pandey, K. N. N. Unni and J.-M. Nunzi, E-MRS 2005 Spring meeting, May 31-June 3, Strasbourg, France
- Improved performance of organic nano-composite solar cells with reverse bias annealing A. K. Pandey, K. N. N. Unni, H. Wang, C. C. Oey, A. B. Djurisic, M. H. Xie, Y. H. Leung, K. K. Y. Man, W. K. Chan, P. C. Chui and J. -M. Nunzi, 10th International Conference ERPOSE, 10-15 July 2005, Cargese, France
- Influence of polymer dielectric characteristics on the performance of a pentacene organic field-effect transistor K. N. Narayanan Unni, Ajay K. Pandey, Sylvie-Dabos Seignon, Jean-Michel Nunzi, Photonics 2004, Jan 9-11, Cochin, India
- Memory effect of a pentacene field effect transistor with a ferroelectric polymer as gate insulator K. N. Narayanan Unni, Remi de Bettignies, Sylvie Dabos-Seignon, Jean-Michel Nunzi, Photonics west (SPIE) 2004, Jan 25-29, San Jose USA
- Memory effect of a quaterthiophene organic field effect transistor with a polarizable dielectric K. N. Narayanan Unni, Remi de Bettignies, Sylvie Dabos-Seignon, Jean-Michel Nunzi, Materials Research Society Symposium, April 12-15, 2004, San Francisco, USA
- Microporous diamond films on zeolites, E. Titus, M. K. Singh, K. N. N. Unni, P. K. Tyagi and D. S. Misra, 8th International Conference: New Diamond Science and Technology 2002,21-26 July, Melbourne, Australia
- Effect of heavy ion irradiation on self supported diamond sheets, U. Palnitkar, V.S.Shirodkar, M. K. Singh, E. Titus, P. K. Tyagi, K. N. N. Unni, D.S.Misra, P. Ayuub, and D. K. Avasthi, 8th International Conference: New Diamond Science and Technology 2002, 21-26 July, Melbourne, Australia
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Dr. Rajeev V. R. (Ph. D, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, 2022) Thesis title: Optimization of gate dielectrics and process parameters for organic field-effect transistors with enhanced performance Email: rajeevspap[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Hanna B. (Ph. D, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, 2022) Thesis title: Studies on visible-blind ultraviolet photodetectors with low voltage operation using ZnO nanostructures Email: hannapbabu[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Jayadev V. (Ph. D, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, 2022) Thesis title: Evaluating interfacial charge transfer dynamics in dye-sensitized solar cells using organic dyes Email: velorejayadev[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Manuraj M. (Ph. D, University of Kerala, 2022) Thesis title: Efficient electrode materials based on molybdenum dichalcogenides for Supercapacitors Email: manuraj.m1[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Koffi Arnaud Kamenan (Ph. D, University of Nangui Abrogoua, Ivory Coast, AcSIR-TWAS Program, 2021) Thesis title: Design and performance characteristics evaluation of organic semi-conductors thin layers from hevea (brasiliensis) latex for photovoltaic cells Email: arnaudkamenan[at]rocketmail.com |
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Dr. Anjaly Soman (Ph. D, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, 2019) Thesis title: Optoelectronic properties of fluorescent organic light emitting diodes: role of device engineering Email: anjaysoman90[at]gmail.com |
- Ph.D. (Physics), 2000, School of Pure & Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University
Title of the thesis: Electrical, optical and structural properties of the phthalocyanine thin films- H2Pc, NiPc and EuPc - M.Sc. (Physics), 1993, School of Pure & Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University
Title of the dissertation: Effect of Ag addition to BPSCCO superconductor (done at Regional Research Laboratory, Trivandrum under the supervision of Dr. P. S. Mukherjee) - B.Sc. (Physics), 1990, C. M. S. College, Kottayam, Mahatma Gandhi University
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Ms. Anjaly Sajeev Designation : Junior Research Fellow (INSPIRE) Email : anjalyksajeev[at]niist.res.in |
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Ms. Anooja J Designation : Junior Research Fellow (UGC) Email : anooja1993[at]gmail.com |
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Ms. Kavya Rajeev Designation : Junior Research Fellow (UGC) Email : Kavyarajeev4[at]gmail.com Ph : 0471-2515606 |
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Ms. Niveditha M. Designation : Junior Research Fellow (INSPIRE) Email : nivedhitha254nm[at]gmail.com
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Mr. Shashwat K. Designation : Project Associate-I Email : shashwatkarayi[at]gmail.com
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Mr. Vibhu Darshan |
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Mr. Vipin C K |
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Dr. Ambili Raj D. B. |