Dr.Nisha P

- Dr.Nisha P
- Principal Scientist
- pnisha@niist.res.in
- 0471-2515348
Scientist Details
Nisha P completed her B.Sc. Tech (1998) and M.Sc. Tech (2000) in Food Engineering and technology from Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT, Matunga, Mumbai; Formerly UDCT, Mumbai). She obtained her Ph. D in Food Technology from University of Mumbai in the year 2005 (work carried out at ICT, Mumbai). She joined as Manager-Quality Assurance with CFBP-Bajaj Food Analysis and Consumer Awareness Centre, SNDT University, Mumbai (2006-2007). She was also working as Visiting Faculty to Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research Home Science, S. N. D. T. Women’s University, Juhu, Mumbai. She joined as Junior Scientist, Agroprocessing and Technology Division, CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, India in November 2007 and currently working as Principal Scientist, CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, India (since 2017). Her research interests includes Prebiotic biological macromolecules from agri/food by-products as metabolic enhancers, Lipid science and technology, Spices and flavor technology, Heat induced toxicants in food processing (acrylamide), Functional foods and neutraceuticals (from spices and lipids), Food process modelling, optimization.
- Ph.D. University of Mumbai, Mumbai India (work carried out at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai)
- M.Sc.Tech in Food Engineering and Technology: ICT, Mumbai
- B.Sc.Tech in Food Engineering and Technology: ICT, Mumbai
- B.Sc. in Chemistry, University of Kerala
Professional Experience
- 2017- Present: Principal Scientist CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvanthapuram, India
- 2014- 2017: Senior Scientist CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvanthapuram, India
- 2010- 2014: Scientist CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvanthapuram, India
- 2007- 2010: Junior Scientist CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvanthapuram, India
- 2006- 2007: Manager, Quality Assurance, CFBP-Bajaj Food Analysis and Consumer Awareness Centre, SNDT University, Mumbai
Professional Affiliations
- Life member, Association of Food Scientists and Technologists of India [AFSTA(I)]
- Life member, The Biotech Research Society (BRSI)
- Life member, The Indian Science Congress Association
- Life member, Academy of Microscope Science and Technology
- Life member, Kerala Academy of Science
- Life member, Swedish South Asian Network on Fermented Foods (SASNET-FF)
Professional Activities
- Member, Scientific Panel – FSSAI India
- Secretary AFST Chapter, Trivandrum
- Member, Board of Studies, University of Calicut
- Chairman, Board of Studies (Food Technology), MES college, Mambad, Kerala
- Reviewer– Food Chemistry, International Journal of Biological macromolecules, Journal of Agriculture and food chemistry, Journal of Functional Foods, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Food and Bioprocess Technology; an International Journal, Food Research International, Journal of food biochemistry, Journal of food science and technology, Journal of Food composition and analysis
Research Areas
Focus – Micro/nano encapsulation/emulsions, scientific validation, products/process development
I.Nutraceutical potential evaluation(Biochemical assays / in vitro cell line assays)
II.Physico-chemical characterization
III.In vitro digestion studies
IV.Product development
V.Quality and shelf life evaluation
Sithara et al., 2018. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b0447
Sithara et al., 2017. Frontiers in Pharmacology, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00640
Reshmitha et al., 2017. Journal of Functional Foods, 28, 147-156.
Focus –Obesity; Diabetes; CVD; Inflammation and Colon cancer
I. Extraction and characterization of Dietary fibre, Modification (chemical/enzymatic)
II. Prebiotic Evaluation
III. Validating health benefits – Mechanistic evaluation
IV.Delivery system for the targeted benefits
Arun et al., 2018. Food and Function, 10.1039/C7FO01454F
Arun et al., 2017.Journal of Functional Foods, 31, 198-207.
Arun et al., 2016. Journal of food science and technology, 53(10), 3814-3824.
Focus- safety of processed foods w.r.to acrylamide
I.Quantification of acrylamide in indigenous foods
II.Formation kinetics
III.Mitigation strategy
IV.Toxicity Assessment and Control
V.Awareness creation
Shamla & Nisha, 2017. Food chemistry, 222, 53-60.
Shamla & Nisha, 2014. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, 7(3), 220-225
Focus – Value addition of agri-crops – Spices, oil seeds, fruits & Vegetables
I.Dehydration Technology
II.Natural preservatives for foods
III.Product and Process optimization
IV.Process kinetic
V.Nutritional and biochemical characterization
VI.Quality and Shelf life extension
Arun et al., 2016. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(1)
Arun et al., 2015. Journal of food science and technology, 52(10), 6355-6364.
Kalla et al., 2015. Industrial Crops and Products, 74, 680-688.
Awards and Recognitions
- Member, Research Council, CSIR-CFTR, Mysuru, India
- CSIR-Raman Research Fellowship, CSIR, 2018-2019
- Member, Scientific Panel, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Govt. of India
- Department of Science and Technology, Government of India-Fast Track young scientist Fellowship, 2009
- Protein Foods and Nutrition Development of India (PFNDAI) award for the best Research Project in Ph.D. (Tech) Food Technology, 2006
- Departmental fellowship from ICT, Mumbai, India during 1998-1999

Ongoing Projects
- Spice essential oil based nanoencapsulates as natural preservatives for food applications – Principal investigator
Funding agency -Spices Board - Technological interventions for value addition on polyherbal spent materials from Ayurvedic industries – Principal investigator
Funding agency -Department of Science and Technology - Setting up of vegetable processing plant (Turn key project) – Principal Investigator
Funding agency -HORTICORP, Kerala - Setting up of vegetable processing plant (Consultancy project) – Principal Investigator
Funding agency -Samrudhi, BLFO, Ranni, Kerala - Development of oil powder for food application – Principal Investigator
Funding agency -DST, India - Phytochemical evaluation of pre-treated samples – Principal Investigator
Funding agency -M/s Pankajakasthoori Research Foundation - Incubation centre for millet and herb based products – Co-Principal Investigator
Funding agency -Govt of Kerala
Completed Projects
- Value addition of spent turmeric- Principal Investigator
Funding agency- BIRAC/M/s Arjuna Naturals - Structural characterization and phytochemical evaluation of selected formulations – Principal Investigator
Funding agency- M/s Pankajakasthoori Research Foundation - Development of ready to eat rice/wheat porridge – Principal Investigator
Funding agency- M/s Manjilas Foods Tech Pvt Ltd - Post-harvest operations for value addition of indigenous fruits and vegetables – Principal Investigator
Funding agency- Govt of Kerala - Occurrence of acrylamide, a heat induced food toxicant in processed food products of India: mitigation strategies and health risks – FSSAI, India
- In vitro evaluation of nutritional and prebiotic activity of sweeteners – TATA Chemicals Ltd
- Antidiabetic validation of natural product fractions
- Development of health foods based on traditional crops
- Process validation of ‘thailamorchanam’
- Chemical characterization and antidiabetic and anti-cancer activities of selected raw materials and formulations
- Modernization processing plant for breakfast mix
- Development of functional food products from spices and botanicals for better health management
- Functional vegetable oils for addressing malnutrition due to vitamin A deficiency
- Prevention of post-harvest food loss by innovative strategies for enhancing shelf life of food commodities and their value-added products
- A study on optimizing the material utilization in Ayurvedic Industry by replacing herbal routes with benign herbal parts and by developing new bioactive applications for spent materials
- Setting up a Technology Business Incubation Centre in Agroprocessing, NIIST
- Development of evidence based novel synbiotic components for the prevention and management of colorectal cancer
- Studies on herbal teas for management of health and prevention of diseases
- CSIR 800 – Value addition to underutilized agro produces
- Affordable health management: Isolation of active ingredients from botanicals
- Evaluation and control of acrylamide formation in traditional deep fried snack products
- Studies on improving the storage stability of refined and unrefined vegetable oils by the addition of micronutrients and antioxidant phytochemicals and the development of a functional vegetable oil
- Development and standardization of Value added Products from “Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.)”
- Development of evidence based nutraceuticals/ herbal products for preventive health and disease management
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Dr. Arun K. B. Assistant professor Department of Life Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Karnataka. India Email ID: arunkbbabu[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Shamla L PhD in Chemistry (2011-2016) Guest Lecturer All Saints Collage, Trivandrum Email ID: shamifef82[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Sithara Thomas Postdoctoral fellow UTHealth Houston, Texas, USA Email ID: zithara.thomas[at]gmail.com |
Ms. Makebe Callister Wingwang Assistant Lecturer, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, National Higher Polytechnic Institute, University of Bamenda Email ID: callymakebe[at]gmail.com |
Mr. Noor Mohammed A PhD, DFRL, Mysore Email ID: aa.noormohammed[at]gmail.com |
Mrs. Archana Haridas Guest Lecturer, St. George College Aruvithara Email ID: archanaharidas888[at]gmail.com |
Mrs. Sandhya K. R. PhD Scholar ICT Mumbai Email ID: Sandhyarajan.12[at]gmail.com |
Mrs. Janu Chandran Food Scientist (R&D), New Product Development Prasan Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Email ID: Janaki.Chadran[at]gmail.com |
Mrs. Aswathy P. S. Technical assistant, FSSAI-INDIA Email ID: aswathi.ashu@gmail.com |
Mrs. Marie Liliane 1) Assistant Lecturer, Departement of Process Engineering, National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences, Ngaoundere, Cameroon (P.O. Box 455 ENSAI, University of Ngaoundere, Adamawa Cameroon). 2) Chief of service continuous training, School of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Industries (s/c P.O. Box 454 EGCIM, University of Ngaoundere, Adamawa, Cameroon) Email ID: moutomarili[at]gmail.com |
Mrs. Liza George Microbiology and Process Technician, Coco Cola Europacific Partners NZ Ltd Email ID : lgeorge.fpe@gmail.com |
Ms. Faseela Executive Director, Homescientist Academy |
Mr.Ramees P. M. Assistant Professor (contract), KCAET, Tavanur. Email ID: rpm.mkd[at]gmail.com |
Mr. Titto Mendez T. S. PhD Scholar ICAR-IISR Email ID: tittomendez1994[at]gmail.com |
Mrs. Nisha Jose Assistant Technical Manager Sigma Test and Research Centre, New Delhi Email ID: nishajose693[at]gmail.com |
Ms. Treeza Annie Jose Email ID: treezaajose[at]gmail.com |
Mr. Harikrishnan Assistant Professor, Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai. Email: harykrish95[at]gmail.com |
Ms. Anusree Project Associate, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram Email ID: anusreevsperambra[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Nayana N. Junior Instructor, Government Industrial Training Department, Kerala Email: nayana.kenkattu[at]gmail.com Mob: +919446244477 |
Dr. Reshmitha. T. R. PhD Scholar (2017-2023) Email: reshmitha006[at]gmail.com Mob: +917994883770 |
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Dr.Chinthu Udayarajan |
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Mrs. Sannya Sathyan |
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Ms. Navami M M |
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Ms. Shini V. S. |
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Ms. Nidhina K. |
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Mr. Billu Abraham |
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Ms. Kavya Mohan |
Mrs. Heeba S |
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Ms. Reshma Krishnan |
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Mr. Abhijith Suvachan |
- Nayana N, Litty Mary Abraham, Padma Ishwarya, S., Nisha, P (2021). Spray-dried microcapsules of red palm olein-flaxseed oil blend: Development, physicochemical characterization, and evaluation of its potential applications as a fat replacer and beta-carotene fortificant in cupcakes, Journal of food processing and preservation. 10.1111/jfpp.15663
- T. R. Reshmitha, P. Nisha (2021) Lycopene mitigates acrylamide and glycidamide induced cellular toxicity via oxidative stress modulation in HepG2 cells, Journal of functional foods, 104390, doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2021.104390
- P Ishwarya and P Nisha (2021) Innovative zero waste management in food industry, Recent Development In Food Processing Industry, Annual Technical Volume of Chemical Engineering Division Board, The Institution of Engineers (India). Ed by Er Narendra Singh, Volume 3, 58-62
- Padma Ishwarya, Sandhya, P Nisha (2021) Advances & Prospects in the Food Applications of Pectin Hydrogels. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
- Noor MA Padma Ishwarya, P Nisha (2021) Nanoemulsion versus microemulsion systems for the encapsulation of beetroot extract: Comparison of physicochemical characteristics and betalain stability, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10.1007/s11947-020-02562-2
- Shamla L. & P Nisha (2021) Process induced food toxicants. In Safety and Quality Management in Food Supply Chain – A Farm to Fork. Ed by KP Sudheer & Indu Lakshmanan. Published by CRC Press
- SP Ishwarya and P Nisha (2020) Foaming agents from spent coffee grounds: A mechanistic understanding of the foaming and the role of coffee oil as antifoam. Food Hydrocolloids 112 (106354
- Nair Anaga, D Basavaraja, Billu Abraham, P Nisha, Sunil Varughese, Purushothaman Jayamurthy, Sasidhar B Somappa (2020) Advanced glycation end-products (AGE) trapping agents: Design and synthesis of nature inspired indeno [2, 1-c] pyridinones, Bioorganic Chemistry 105, 104375
- K.B. Arun, Aravind Madhavan, Billu Abraham, M. Balaji, K.C. Sivakumar, P. Nisha, R. Ajay Kumar (2020) Acetylation of isoniazid – a novel mechanism of isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.10.941252
- Calister Wingang Makebe, Zangue Steve Carly Desobgo, Wilson Agwanande Ambindei, Abraham Billu, Emmanuel Jong Nso, P Nisha (2020) Optimization of pectinase-assisted extraction of Annona muricata juice and the effect of liquefaction on its pectin structure. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10600
- Wilson Agwanande Ambindei, Pierre Michel Dongmo Jazet, Leopold Ngoune Tatsadjieu, Priya P, Nisha P (2020) Stabilisation potentials of the essential oils of Thymus vulgaris , Cinnamomum zeylanicum B. and Mentha piperita L. on palm olein at accelerated storage, African Journal of Biotechnology, 19 (7), 464-477. DOI: 10.5897/AJB2020.17069
- P Ishwarya S and P Nisha (2020) Unraveling the science of coffee foam–a comprehensive review Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-21
- Billu Abraham, A T R Reshmitha, M M Navami, Liza George, V V Venugopalan, P Nisha (2020) Phytochemical rich extract from the spent material generated from Industrial Dashamoola preparation (a medicinal Ayurvedic decoction) with antioxidant, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory potential, Industrial Crops and Products 151, 112451
- KB Arun, R Dhanya, J Chandran, B Abraham, S Satyan, P Nisha (2020) A comparative study to elucidate the biological activities of crude extracts from rice bran and wheat bran in cell line models, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-11
- L. Shamla., S. Heeba., Nisha Jose, P. Nisha (2019) Change in chemical composition during maturation of Artocarpus heterophyllus and its effect on acrylamide formation in deep fried jackfruit chips, Journal of food processing and preservation, doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.14099
- K B Arun, Aravind Madhavan, T R Reshmitha, Sithara Thomas, P Nisha (2019). Short chain fatty acids enriched fermentation metabolites of soluble dietary fibre from Musa paradisiaca drives HT29 colon cancer cells to apoptosis, PLOS ONE, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0216604
- Gopalan G, Prabha B, Joe A, Reshmitha TR, Sherin DR, Abraham B, Sabu M, Manojkumar TK, Radhakrishnan KV, Nisha P. (2019). Screening of Musa balbisiana Colla. seeds for antidiabetic properties and isolation of apiforol, a potential lead, with antidiabetic activity, Journal of the science of food and Agriculture, 99(5):2521-2529. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.94621002/jsfa.9462
- Janu Chandran, Nayana N, and P Nisha (2018), Phenolic Compounds in Food: Characterization and Analysis. Ed by Leo M.L. Nollet, Janet Alejandra Gutierrez-Uribe in Phenolics in Vegetable Oils, CRC Press, 407-414
- Thomas Sithara, B. P. Dhanya, Arun, K.B., Suresh Sini, Mathew Dan, Radhakrishnan Kokkuvayil Vasu and Nisha P. (2018). Zerumbone, a Cyclic Sesquiterpene from Zingiber zerumbet Induces Apoptosis, Cell Cycle Arrest and Anti-migratory Effects in SW480 Colorectal Cancer Cells, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(3):602-612
- Arun K Babu, Aravind Madhavan, Reshmitha T. R. Sithara Thomas, P Nisha. (2018). Musa paradisiaca inflorescence induces human colon cancer cell death by modulating cascades of transcriptional events, Food & Function, 9, 511 – 524
- Hari Priya Syama, Karthika Bahulayan Arun, George Sinumol, Rajendran Dhanya| Sasidharan Suseela Anusree, Nisha, Lankalapalli Ravi Shankar, Andikanan Sundaresan and Purushothaman Jayamurthy, (2018). Syzygium cumini seed exhibits antidiabetic potential via multiple pathways involving inhibition of a-glucosidase, DPP-IV, glycation, and ameliorating glucose uptake in L6 cell lines. Journal of food processing and preservation, 10.1111/jfpp.13464
- Arun, K. B., Chandran, J., Venugopal, V. V., Madavankutty, T. S., & Nisha, P. (2018). Spent cumin seeds generated from ayurvedic industry as a source of bioactive compounds for nutraceutical/functional food applications. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. DOI: 1111/jfpp.13392
- PA TC Kotue, P Jayamurthy, P Nisha, AC Pieme, G Kansci, E Fokou (2018) Proximate Analysis and Minerals of Black Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Used to Manage Sickle Cell Disease in West Region of Cameroon, Asian Food Science Journal, 1-8
- Thomas Sithara, K. B. Arun, H. P. Syama, T. R. Reshmitha and Nisha. (2017). Morin inhibits proliferation of SW 480 colorectal cancer cells by inducing apoptosis mediated by reactive oxygen species formation and uncoupling of Warburg effect. Frontiers in Pharmacology, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00640
- HP Syama, AD Arya, R Dhanya, P Nisha, A Sundaresan, E Jacob & P Jayamurthy (2017) Quantification of phenolics in Syzygium cumini seed and their modulatory role on tertiary butyl-hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in H9c2 cell lines and key enzymes in cardioprotection, J Food Sci Technol, 54(7):2115–2125, DOI 10.1007/s13197-017-2651-3
- Dhanya, R., Arya, A. D., Nisha, P., & Jayamurthy, P. (2017). Quercetin, a lead compound against type 2 diabetes ameliorates glucose uptake via AMPK pathway in skeletal muscle cell line. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8, 336
- Dhanya, B.P., Gopalan, G., Reshmitha, T.R., Saranya, J., Sharathna, P., Shibi, I., Nisha, P.,& Radhakrishnan, K.V. (2017). Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of zerumbone pendant derivatives: Potent candidates for anti-diabetic and anti-proliferative activities. New Journal of Chemistry,41, 6960-6964
- Gopalan, G., Dhanya, B.P., Saranya, J., Reshmitha, T.R., Baiju, T.V., Meenu, M.T., Nair, M.S., Nisha, P., & Radhakrishnan, K.V. (2017). Metal-Free trans-Aziridination of Zerumbone: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Aziridine Derivatives of Zerumbone. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, (21), 3072-3077
- Arun, K. B., Thomas, S., Reshmitha, T. R., Akhil, G. C., & Nisha, P. (2017). Dietary fibre and phenolic-rich extracts from Musa paradisiaca inflorescence ameliorates type 2 diabetes and associated cardiovascular risks. Journal of Functional Foods, 31, 198-207
- Chandran, J., Nayana, N., Roshini, N., & Nisha, P. (2017). Oxidative stability, thermal stability and acceptability of coconut oil flavored with essential oils from black pepper and ginger. Journal of food science and technology, 54(1), 144-152
- Shamla, L., & Nisha, P. (2017). Acrylamide formation in plantain (Musa paradisiaca) chips influenced by different ripening stages: A correlation study with respect to reducing sugars, amino acids and phenolic content. Food chemistry, 222, 53-60
- Reshmitha, T. R., Thomas, S., Geethanjali, S., Arun, K. B., & Nisha, P. (2017). DNA and mitochondrial protective effect of lycopene rich tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) peel extract prepared by enzyme assisted extraction against H 2 O 2 induced oxidative damage in L6 myoblasts. Journal of Functional Foods, 28, 147-156
- Arun, K. B., Aswathi, U., Venugopal, V. V., Madhavankutty, T. S., & Nisha, P. (2016). Nutraceutical properties of cumin residue generated from Ayurvedic industries using cell line models. Journal of food science and technology, 53(10), 3814-3824
- Sasikumar, P., Prabha, B., Reshmitha, T.R., Veluthoor, S., Pradeep, A.K., Rohit, K.R., Dhanya, B.P., Sivan, V.V., Jithin, M.M., Kumar, N.A ., Shibi, I.G., Nisha, P., & Radhakrishnan, K.V (2016). Comparison of antidiabetic potential of (+) and (-)-hopeaphenol, a pair of enantiomers isolated from Ampelocissus indica (L.) and Vateria indica Linn., with respect to inhibition of digestive enzymes and induction of glucose uptake in L6 myotubes. RSC Advances, 6(80), 77075-77082
- Arun, K. B., Jayamurthy, P., Anusha, C. V., Mahesh, S. K., & Nisha, P. (2016). Studies on Activity Guided Fractionation of Pomegranate Peel Extracts and Its Effect on Antidiabetic and Cardiovascular Protection Properties. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41, e13108
- Rajalekshmi, D.S., Kabeer, F.A., Madhusoodhanan, A.R., Bahulayan, A.K., Prathapan, R., Prakasan, N., Varughese, S., & Nair, M.S. (2016). Anticancer activity studies of cubebin isolated from Piper cubeba and its synthetic derivatives. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 26(7), 1767-1771
- Dhanya, R., Arun, K. B., Nisha, V. M., Syama, H. P., Nisha, P., Kumar, T. S., & Jayamurthy, P. (2015). Preconditioning L6 muscle cells with naringin ameliorates oxidative stress and increases glucose uptake. PloS one, 10(7), e0132429
- Kalla, M. L. M., Jong, E. N., Kayem, J. G., Sreekumar, M. M., & Nisha, P. (2015). Effect of re-extraction parameters and drying temperature on the antioxidant properties and dietary fiber of Red sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) calyces residues. Industrial Crops and Products, 74, 680-688
- Arun, K. B., Persia, F., Aswathy, P. S., Chandran, J., Sajeev, M. S., Jayamurthy, P., & Nisha, P. (2015). Plantain peel-a potential source of antioxidant dietary fibre for developing functional cookies. Journal of food science and technology, 52(10), 6355-6364
- Arun, K. B., Chandran, J., Dhanya, R., Krishna, P., Jayamurthy, P., & Nisha, P. (2015). A comparative evaluation of antioxidant and antidiabetic potential of peel from young and matured potato. Food Bioscience, 9, 36-46
- Dhanya, R., Arun, K. B., Syama, H. P., Nisha, P., Sundaresan, A., Kumar, T. S., & Jayamurthy, P. (2014). Rutin and quercetin enhance glucose uptake in L6 myotubes under oxidative stress induced by tertiary butyl hydrogen peroxide. Food chemistry, 158, 546-554
- Shamla, L., & Nisha, P. (2014). Acrylamide in deep-fried snacks of India. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, 7(3), 220-225
- Chandran, J., Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2014). Degradation of colour in beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.): a kinetics study. Journal of food science and technology, 51(10), 2678-2684
- Janu, C., Kumar, D. R., Reshma, M. V., Jayamurthy, P., Sundaresan, A., & Nisha, P. (2014). Comparative study on the total phenolic content and radical scavenging activity of common edible vegetable oils. Journal of food biochemistry, 38(1), 38-49
- Jayamurthy, P., Aparna, B., Gayathri, G., & Nisha, P. (2013). Evaluation of antioxidant potential of inflorescence and stalk of plantain (Musa sapientum). Journal of food biochemistry, 37(1), 2-7
- Chandran, J., Amma, K. P. P., Menon, N., Purushothaman, J., & Nisha, P. (2012). Effect of enzyme assisted extraction on quality and yield of volatile oil from black pepper and cardamom. Food Science and Biotechnology, 21(6), 1611-1617
- Nisha, P., Ravi Kiran, C., SobanKumar, D. R., Sundaresan, A., Reshma, M. V., & Jayamurthy, P. (2012). Trans fat content in labeled and unlabelled Indian bakery products including fried snacks
- Singhal, R.S., Pandit, A.B., Joshi, J.B., Patel, S.B., Danao, S.P., Shinde, Y.H., Gudekar, A.S., Bineesh, N.P., & Tarade, K.M.(2012). Development of efficient designs of cooking systems. III. Kinetics of cooking and quality of cooked food, including nutrients, anti-nutrients, taste, and flavor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(4), 1923-1937
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2011). Kinetic modelling of colour degradation in tomato puree (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(5), 781-787
- Nisha, P., Nazar, P. A., & Jayamurthy, P. (2009). A comparative study on antioxidant activities of different varieties of Solanum melongena. Food and chemical toxicology, 47(10), 2640-2644
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2009). A study on degradation kinetics of niacin in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of food composition and analysis, 22(6), 620-624
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2009). The degradation kinetics of flavor in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Journal of food engineering, 92(1), 44-49
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2006). Kinetic modelling of texture development in potato cubes (Solanum tuberosum L.), green gram whole (Vigna radiate L.) and red gram splits (Cajanus cajan L.). Journal of Food Engineering, 76(4), 524-530
- Nisha, P., Ananthanarayan, L., & Singhal, R. S. (2005). Effect of stabilizers on stabilization of idli (traditional south Indian food) batter during storage. Food hydrocolloids, 19(2), 179-186
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2005). A study on degradation kinetics of riboflavin in green gram whole (Vigna radiata L.). Food chemistry, 89(4), 577-582
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2005). A study on degradation kinetics of riboflavin in spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.). Journal of food engineering, 67(4), 407-412
- Bineesh, N. P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2005). A study on degradation kinetics of ascorbic acid in drumstick (Moringa olifera) leaves during cooking. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 85(11), 1953-1958
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2005). Degradation kinetics of folic acid in cowpea (Vigna catjang L.) during cooking. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 56(6), 389-397
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2004). A study on the degradation kinetics of visual green colour in spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) and the effect of salt therein. Journal of Food Engineering, 64(1), 135-142
- Nisha, P., Singhal, R. S., & Pandit, A. B. (2004). A study on degradation kinetics of ascorbic acid in amla (Phyllanthus emblica L.) during cooking. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 55(5), 415-422
- Nisha, P., Rekha, P. N., Singhal, S., & Pandit, A. B. (2004). A study on degradation kinetics of thiamine in red gram splits (Cajanus cajan L.). Food chemistry, 85(4), 591-598
Research Interests
Undertake need based research in the area of product and process development for Food and Agri sector, offer consultancy services in the area
- Dietary fibre (prebiotics), gut health and metabolic disorders: Developments of delivery systems/nutraceuticals/ functional foods for gut health
- Technology of edible fats and fat based products
- Spices and flavour technology
- Vegan food products; Free from allergy and intolerance products
- Post-harvest technology of agro produces
- Food process modelling, optimization and control