Dr.Tripti Mishra

- Dr.Tripti Mishra
- Scientist
- triptimishra@niist.res.in
- 0471-2515346
- Ph.D. Chemistry, Kumaun University Nainital Uttarakhand. Ph.D. Research work done at the Phytochemistry Division of CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow
- M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Lucknow University, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
- August 2021 to till date – Scientist, Agro Processing Technology Division CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
- December 2017-July 2021, Junior Chemist, Spices Board India Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India
- May 2016-March 2017 Senior Project Fellow at CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow
- July 2013-May 2016 Project Assistant-II at CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow
- Awarded with Best paper Presentation award under oral presentation category by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology United Kingdom, London in ICMPNP-2017.
- Awarded with Best Poster Presentation award at “National Conference on role of mathematics in advancement of Science and Technology (NCRMAST-2013)” held at Lucknow, India
- Awarded with CICS, CSIR & DBTTravel fellowship to attend ICMPNP-2017 held in London U.K on February 2017
- Tripti Mishra, Mahesh Pal, Sanjeev Meena, Dipak Datta, Prateek Dixit, Anil Kumar, Baleshwar Meena, T.S. Rana & D.K. Upreti, “Composition and in vitro cytotoxic activities of essential oil of Hedychium spicatum from different geographical region of western Himalaya by principal component analysis” Natural Product Research, (2016), 30 (10), 1224-1227. ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2015.1049176.
- Tripti Mishra, Rakesh Kumar Arya, Sanjeev Meena, Pushpa Joshi, Mahesh Pal, Baleshwar Meena, D. K. Upreti, T. S. Rana, Dipak Datta” Isolation, Characterization and Anticancer Potential of Cytotoxic Triterpenes from Betula utilis Bark” PLoS ONE 11(7), (2016). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0159430.
- Tripti Mishra, Manjoosha Srivastava, Anil Kumar, Mahesh Pal & S.K. Tewari “Chemical Composition and Termiticidal Activity of Artemisia nilagirica Essential Oil Growing in Southern Hilly Regions of India”. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 20(1), 247-252 (2017). DOI:10.1080/0972060X.2016.1256235.
- Tripti Mishra, Mahesh Pal, Anil Kumar, Deepak Rai and Shri Krishna Tewari. “Termiticidal Activity of Punica granatum fruit rind fractions and its compounds against Microcerotermes beesoni” Industrial Crops & Products 107; 320–325 (2017) DOI:.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.05.030.
- Tripti Mishra, Shipra Shukla, Sanjeev Meena, Ruchi Singh, Mahesh Pal, Dalip Kumar Upreti, Dipak Datta “Isolation and identification of cytotoxic compounds from a fruticose lichen Roccella montagnei, and it’s in silico docking study against CDK-10” Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 27 ; 724–728 (2017) DOI:.org/10.1016/j.bjp.2017.07.006
- Mahesh Pal, Tripti Mishra, Anil Kumar, Baleshwar, D.K.Upreti and T.S.Rana “Characterization of fatty acids in the bark of betula utilis growing in high altitudes of Himalaya” Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 50(2), 285- 286(2015). DOI: 10.1007/s10600-015-1271-2 (I.F.450), Citation: 2 ISSN: 0009-3130 (Print) 1573-8388 (Online) march 2015
- Mahesh Pal, Tripti Mishra, Anil Kumar, Baleshwar, D. K. Upreti and T. S. Rana“Chemical constituents and antimicrobial potential of the essential oil from Betula utilis growing in high altitude of Himalaya (India)” Journal of Essential oil Bearing Plants, 18 (5):1078 – 1082, (2015) DOI:.org/10.1080 /0972060X.2015. 1036569
- Renu Pandey, Brijesh Kumar, Baleshwar Meena, Mukesh Srivastava,Tripti Mishra,Vandana Tiwari, Mahesh Pal, Narayanan K. Nair, Dalip K. Upreti, Tikam Singh Rana “Major bioactive phenolics in Bergenia species from the Indian Himalayan region: Method development, validation and quantitative estimation using UHPLC-QqQLIT MS/MS”. PLOS ONE 12 (7); 1-17 (2017). DOI: org/10.1371/journalpone.0180950.
- Ruchi Singh Pankhuri Gupta, Furqan Khan, Susheel Kumar singh, Sanchita, Tripti Mishra, Anil Kumar, Sunita Singh Dhawan, Pramod Arvind Shirke. Modulations in primary and secondary metabolic pathways and adjustment in physiological behavior of Withania somnifera under drought stress. Plant Sci. 2018 Jul;272:42-54. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2018.03.029. I
- Ruchi Singh, Dharmendra Pratap Singh, Pankhuri Gupta, Payal Jain, Sanchita, Tripti Mishra, Anil Kumar, Sunita Singh Dhawan, Pramod Arvind Shirke. Nanoparticles alter the withanolide biosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in Withania somnifera (Dunal) Industrial Crops and products 127, 94-109 2018 DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.10.049.
- Mahesh Pal, Tripti Mishra, Anil Kumar, and Shri Krishna Tewari. Biological evaluation of terrestrial and marine plant originated labdane diterpenes (a review) Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 50, No. 8 558–67, November, 2016 (Russian Original Vol. 50, No. 8, August, 2016 DOI:.org/10.1007/s11094-016-1490-2. (I.F. 0.679) Russia.
- AK Pathak, V Singh, M Pal, T Mishra, K Goel, VS Gupta Evaluation of Topical Application of Vajradanti Gel in Prevention of Gingivitis. Open Journal of Stomatology, 2017 7 (02), 105
- Shipra Shukla, Tripti Mishra, Mahesh Pal, Baleshwar Meena, Tikam Singh Rana, Dalip Kumar Upreti“ Comparative Analysis of Fatty acids and Antioxidant Activity of Betula utilis Bark collected from Different Geographical Region of India”. Free Radicals and Antioxidants. 2017; 7(1):80-85.
- Tripti Mishra, Sajad Ahmad Gangoo, Arpit Azad, Anil Kumar & Mahesh Pal “Chemical composition and Antitermite activity of essential oil from Artimisia absinthium growing in Kashmir valley of India. Journal of Essential oil-Bearing Plants, 2020 23 (2):397 – 404. https://doi.org/10.1080/0972060X.2020.1731335
- Tripti Mishra, Preeti Chandra, Brijesh Kumar, Baleshwar Meena, Pushpa Joshi, Tikam Singh Rana, Dalip K. Upreti Mahesh Pal. Phytochemical Profiling of the stem bark of Betula utilis from different geographical regions of India using UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Analytical Science Advances, 2020, 1(3), 1-8 DOI: 10.1002/ansa.202000073
Book Chapters
- Mahesh Pal, Tripti Mishra, S. Chandra, S.K. Tewari, “Chemical Composition & Biological Activities of Hyssopus officinalis essential oil” Natural Essential Oils-Fragrances and Flavours. Aviskar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur-302003 (Raj.) India,(2012). ISBN 978-81-7910415-6
- Shipra Shukla, Tripti Mishra, Anubhav Singh Nahar Mahesh Pal “Antimicrobial potential of Biomolecules originated from Terrestrial & Marine Medicinal Plants”. Aviskar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur-302003 (Raj.) India (2015). ISBN 978-81-7910537-5 Indian Ethnomedicinal Plants Traditional Practices to cure diseases
- Mahesh Pal, Tripti Mishra, Rajni Singh, Anil kumar and S.K. Tewari,“Natural Anti-HIV Terpenes and Sterols of Terrestrial and Marine Origin” Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Exploration and Utilization, EBH Publishers (India) an imprint of Eastern Book House 136,M.N.Road, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001,(2016). ISBN : 9789383252152
Scientific Abstracts, Posters & Presentations in Conferences
- Tripti Mishra, Shipra Shukla, Sanjeev Meena,, Ruchi Singh, Mahesh Pal, D. K. Upreti, Dipak Datta Isolation and Identification of Cytotoxic Compounds from Fruticose Lichen Roccella montagnei, and It’s in Silico Docking Study against CDK-10. International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Vol: 4, No: 2, 2017. Achieved Best Presentation award World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology United Kingdom, London.
- Tripti Mishra, Anshul Anand, Shipra Shukla, Anjali Verma, Anil Kumar, Pushpa Joshi, Mahesh Pal, D.K.Upreti, Identification of volatile constituents from cissampelos pareira by gas chromatography mass spectroscopy. 4th Lucknow science congress, LUSCON 2017, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow 3-4 march 2017.
- Tripti Mishra. Cytotoxic activity of the standardized extract of Betula utilis on human cancer cell lines. International Conference on Pharmaceutical Chemistry September 05-07, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-0444.C1.025
- Tripti Mishra, Sanjeev Meena, Shipra Shukla, Anjali Verma, Pushpa Joshi, Mahesh Pal, Baleshwar, T.S. Rana, D.K. Upreti, Dipak Datta. Phytochemical Analysis and Cytotoxic Activity of Betula utilis CTDDR-2016-6th International Symposium on Current Trends in Drug Discovery and Research, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, 25-28 February 2016.
- Mahesh Pal, Tripti Mishra and Shipra Shukla “Studies of Phytochemicals and in vitro cytotoxicity of Roccella montagnei” National Conference on Cryptogram Research in India: Progress and Prospects CSIR-National Botanical Resarch Institute, Lucknow 28-29 september 2015
- Tripti Mishra, Vinay Sahu, Mahesh Pal, Ashish Kumar Asthana and D.K. Upreti “Comparative Evaluation of Cytotoxic Potential of wild and cultured plants of Marchantia polymorpha” National Conference on Cryptogram Research in India: Progress and Prospects CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow 28-29 september 2015.
- Tripti Mishra, Manjoosha Srivastava, Mahesh Pal and S. K. Tewari. Chemical Composition and Termiticidal Activity of Artemisia nilagirica essential oil growing in southern hilly regions of India. 103rd Indian Science Congress 3-7 Jan 2016, Myssore India.
- Tripti Mishra, Shipra Shukla, Vibha Singh, Anjani Pathak, S.K. Tewari, Mahesh Pal, Turmeric: an effective remedy in prevention of Plaque and gingivitis, “International Conference On Medicinal plants: Resources For Affordable New Generation Healthcare” CSIR- Central Institute of Medicinal And Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, India, March 20-22. 2015.
- Shipra Shukla, Tripti Mishra, Anil Kumar, Ashish Deep Gupta and Mahesh Pal, Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Sonchus arvensis root essential oil, “International Conference On Medicinal plants: Resources For Affordable New Generation Healthcare”, CSIR- Central Institute of Medicinal And Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, India, March. 20-22, 2015.
- Tripti Mishra, Pratik Dixit, Shipra Shukla and Mahesh Pal Achieved Best Poster award at “National Conference on role of mathematics in advancement of Science and Technology (NCRMAST-2013)” entitled “Dalbergia Sisso as a Potential Termite Repellent”.
- Mahesh Pal, Tripti Mishra, A. N. Mishra and S. K. Tewari “Evaluation of Ethanobotanical Claim as Antitermite effects on the seeds of Semicarpus anacardium F.” in 21st Annual conference of Purvanchal Academy of Sciences, Jaunpur, India, 10-11 Nov.-2012.
Research Interest
- Extraction, Fractionation, Isolation and Identification of bioactive molecules from medicinal plants and their biological activity such as Anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidiabetic etc. Volatile oil extraction and identification of their constituents. Fatty acids component identification from medicinal plants. Quality parameters of spices and spice products.