Sri.Soban Kumar D R

- Sri.Soban Kumar D R
- Sr. Technical Officer(2)
- 0471-2515352
Academic Background
- Ph.D work in the area of ‘Nano emulsions Encapsulated with Bioactive natural molecules’, Manonmanium Sundaranar University
- M.Sc Chemistry, Annamalai University
- Certificate in Food Preservation Technology from SSI Govt. of India.
- World Intellectual Property Rights (WIPO DL101) course on Patents.
Professional Experience
- Since 2000 working in Lipid Science and Technology, the focus area is process development and scale up studies in lipids and bio active natural molecules.
- Chemical characterization and instrumental analysis of food products, oils and fats.
Patents & Publications
- Process for the preparation of high purity phytosterols:2009/ US007632530 B2 Arumughan C, Sobankumar D.R, Sundaresan A, Sreeja S, Yohesh K, Rajam L.
- A Process for the preparation of high purity phytosterols from deodouriser distillate from vegetable oils. China Patent.2008/200680047150. Arumughan C, Sobankumar D.R, Sundaresan A, Sreeja S, Yohesh K, Rajam L.
- A process for the preparation of high purity phytosterols from deodourizer distillate Vegetable oils. PCT Patent 2007/054759. Arumughan C, Sobankumar D.R, Sundaresan A, Sreeja S, Yohesh K, Rajam L
- A process for the production of super degummed and de waxed Rice bran oil for physical refining International classification C11B 3/00 Application No.: 1889/DEL/2004; Sobankumar D.R, Rajam L, Sundaresan A, Arumughan.
Research Output
Research output
- A novel process development for physical refining of rice bran oil.
- Commissioning and process demonstration of five 50 TPD Rice bran oil physical refining plants at Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan.
- Technology development of an integrated process for the production of high purity Phytosterols from Soya bean oil deodouriser distillate.
- Steam distillation and solvent extraction method for separation of Fatty acid methyl esters, (Bio diesel) tocopherols and steryl esters from Soya bean oil deodouriser distillate and demonstration of the process in commercial scale.
- Process development for enzymatic extraction of virgin coconut oil from fresh coconut.
- Development of an enzymatic interesterification method for the production of steryl esters using phytosterol and ?-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) from fish oil.
- Pilot scale process optimization of cardanol phosphorylation for making cardanol resins.
- Two developed technologies patented and commercialized
Oil Technology Association of India
- H.Sharon, K.Karuppasamy, D.R.SobanKumar, A.Sundaresan. A test on DI diesel engine fueled with methyl esters of used palm oil. Renewable energy (2012) 47.160-166
- H.Sharon,R.Jayaprakash,M,karthhigai Selvan, D.R.SobanKumar, A.Sundaresan. K.Karuppasamy, Biodiesel production and prediction of engine performance using SIMULINK Model of trained neural network. Fuel (2012) 99:197-203.
- Akhila Rajan, D.R. Sobankumar and A. Jayakumaran Nair Isolation of a Novel Alkaline Lipase Producing Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus MTCC 9657 from Aged and Crude Rice Bran Oil and Quantification by HPTLC ( 2012 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Page No.: 116-126)
- Prathapan A, Mukesh Kumar S, Anusree A.A, Sobankumar D.R, Sundarasen A, Raghu K.G Antiperoxideativ,free radical Scavanching and Metal Chelating activities of Boerhaavia Diffusa L.( 2010) Journal of Food BiochemistryISSN1745-4514
- Afnisha Deepam L.S, Sobankumar D.R, Sundaresan A, Arumughan C.( 2007) A new method for simultaneous estimation of unsaponifiable constituents of rice bran oil using HPTLCV, Journal of Separation Science 30;(16) 2786-93
- Rajam L, Sobankumar D.R, Sundaresan A, Arumughan C (2005) A novel process for physically refining rice bran oil through simultaneous degumming and de axing. JAOCS, Vol. 82 no.3
- Y S Sivan, Y Alwin Jayakumar, C Arumughan, A Sundaresan, A Jayalekshmy, K P Suja, D R SobanKumar, S S Deepa, Malathi Damodaran, C R Soman, V Raman Kutty, P Sankara Sarma (2002) Impact of vitamin A supplementation through different dosages of red palm oil and retinol palmitate on preschool children. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Volume: 48, Issue: 1, Pages: 24-28
- Y Alwin Jayakumar Y S Sivan, , C Arumughan, A Sundaresan, A Jayalekshmy,D.R SobanKumar, , K P Suja, S S Deepa, Malathi Damodaran, C R Soman, V Raman Kutty, P Sankara Sarma (2001) Consumption profile of preschool children supplemented with Different Dosage of Red Palm oil, Retinol Palmitate and Ground nut oil. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Diabetics. 38 (11):384-393
- Archana U, Krishan Kumari K, Sobankumar D.R, Suja K.P, JayalekshmiA and Arumughan C Storage studies on Palm oil in different containers. JOTAI, 2001, Vol. 33, no.2.
- Deepa S.S, Sobankumar D.R and Arumughan C. Oil body composition from oil palm fruit mesocarp (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) during fruit ripening. JOTAI (2000) Jan; 33:3-6.
- Arumughan C, Sobankumar D.R, Afnisha Deepam L.S. Paper presented in 8th National Seminar on Rice Bran oil 29th July 2005, NewDelhi
Research Interest
Future research interest
- Technology development in the area of lipids and bioactive natural molecules
- Process development in the area of bio fuels and renewable energy resources
- Studies on Bioactive molecules of nano particles, nano emulsions and liposomes