Aluminium Auto Components

Aluminum (Al) alloys have several specific properties that are attractive to auto designers. Its density is one-third that of steel, certain Al alloys exist with excellent strength, and other alloys exhibit excellent formability and castability. High strength Al-Si alloy to manufacture automotive components of two and four wheelers, heavy duty vehicles as well as in strategic applications. Modified Al-Si-Mg (A356) alloy to manufacture high strength structural components for automotive and aerospace applications. Modified Al-Si-Cu (A319) alloy for making suspension, functional automotive and strategic components. High temperature Al-Si-Cu-Ni-Mg indigenously developed NIIST alloy to make engine and transmission components like pistons, connection rod, knuckle, suspension arms, casings for commercial two and four wheeled vehicles, strategic armoured vehicles and tanks, aerospace engine components etc.High strength and high thermal conducting auto components like scroll compressors.
Advantages :
"High integrity porous free components. High strength lightweight engineering components with high thermal conductivity. Indigenously developed technology for squeeze casting thin walled components."
- Commerical Status :
- Technology Readniess Level : Technology Demonstration Industiral Application :
- Research Area :