Dr.Knawang Chhunji Sherpa

- Dr.Knawang Chhunji Sherpa
- Scientist
- kcsherpa@niist.res.in
- 0471-2515279
- +919002391614
- https://niist.irins.org/profile/236491
Professional Experience
- Scientist CSIR – National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerela (August 2021 – Present)
- Research Associate, Hindustan Petroleum Green R & D Centre, Bengaluru, Karnataka (March 2019 – March 2020)
- Sherpa, K.C., Kundu, D., Banerjee, S., Ghangrekar, M.M., Banerjee, R. (2022) An integrated biorefinery approach for bioethanol production from sugarcane tops. Journal of Cleaner Production 352:131451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131451
- Goswami, L., Kayalvizhi, R., Dikshit, P.K., Sherpa, K.C., Roy, S., Kushwaha, A., Kim, B.S., Banerjee, R., Jacob, S., Rajak, R.C (2022) A Critical Review on Prospects of Bio-refinery Products from Second and Third Generation Biomasses. Chemical Engineering Journal 448:137677. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.137677
- Kundu, D., Dutta, D., Samanta, P., Dey, S., Sherpa, K.C., Kumar, S., Dubey, B.K. (2022) Valorization of wastewater: A paradigm shift towards circular bioeconomy and sustainability. Science of The Total Environment 848:157709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157709
- Sherpa, K.C., Satpati, G.G., Mal, N., Khalko, A.S., Rajak, R.C. (2022) Chapter Four-Effect of the COVID-19 on access to affordable and clean energy, In: Editor(s): Dehghani, M.H., Karri, R.R., Roy, S. COVID-19 and the Sustainable Development Goals, Elsevier, 2022, pp. 79-104, ISBN 9780323913072. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323- 91307-2.00011-0.
- Roy, S., Dikshit, P.K., Sherpa, K.C., Singh, A., Jacob, S., Rajak, R.C. (2021) Recent nanobiotechnological advancements in lignocellulosic biomass valorization: A review. Journal of Environmental Management 297:113422. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113422
- Sherpa, K.C., Ghangrekar, M.M., Banerjee, R. (2019) Optimization of saccharification of enzymatically pretreated sugarcane tops by response surface methodology for ethanol production. Biofuels 10(1): 73-80. https://doi.org/10.1080/17597269.2017.1409058
- Gujjala, LK.S., Kumar, S.P.J., Talukdar, B., Dash, A., Kumar, S., Sherpa, K.C., Banerjee., R. (2019) Biodiesel from oleaginous microbes: opportunities and challenged. Biofuels 10(1):45-59. https://doi.org/10.1080/17597269.2017.1402587
- Sherpa, K.C., Ghangrekar, M.M., Banerjee, R. (2018) A green and sustainable approach on statistical optimization of laccase mediated delignification of sugarcane tops for enhanced saccharification. Journal of Environmental Management 217:700-709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.04.008
- Avanthi, A., Kumar, S., Sherpa, K.C., Banerjee, R. (2017) Bioconversion of hemicellulose of lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol: an attempt to utilize pentose sugars. Biofuels 8(4):431-444. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17597269.2016.1249738
- Sherpa, K.C., Rajak, R.C., Banerjee, R. (2017) Sugarcane: A Potential Agricultural Crop for Bioeconomy through Biorefinery, In: Lignocellulosic Biomass Production and Industrial Applications, Kuila, A., Sharma, V. (Eds), Wiley-Scrivener Publishing Group, pp. 171-196. ISBN: 978-1-119-32360-0
- Avanthi, A., Chintagunta, A.D., Sherpa, K.C., Rajak, R.C., Kundu, D., Singh, J., Rastogi, A., Banerjee, R. (2017) Microbial Enzymes and Lignocellulosic Fuel Production, In: Lignocellulosic biomass production and Industrial applications, Kuila, A., Sharma, V. (Eds), Wiley-Scrivener Publishing Group, pp. 135-163. ISBN: 978-1-119-32360-0
- Kumar, S., Chintagunta, A.D., Sherpa, K.C., Banerjee, R. (2017) Institutional Waste Management. In: Advances in Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Goel S. (Eds) Springer International Publishing, pp. 49-63. ISBN: 978-3-319-57074-7
- Avanthi, A., Chintagunta, A.D., Sherpa, K.C., Banerjee, R. (2018) Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass, In: Biorefining of biomass to biofuels: opportunities and perception, Kumar, S., Sani, R.K. (Eds), Springer International Publishing, pp. 265-286. ISBN: 978-3-319-67677-7
Academic Qualification
- Ph.D (2019) Advanced Technology Development Centre, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, West Bengal
- M.Sc (2011) Applied Microbiology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu
- B.Sc (2009) St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore University, Karnataka