Dr.Akshay Dilip Shende

- Dr.Akshay Dilip Shende
- Scientist
- ad.shende@niist.res.in
- 0471-2515262
- +919096017386
- https://niist.irins.org/profile/115069
Academic Qualification
- Ph.D. (Environmental Engineering)
RTMNU, Nagpur, and place of research CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur - M.Tech. (Environmental Engineering)
VJTI, Mumbai - B.E. (Environmental Engineering)
KIT’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur
- Shende AD, Dhenkula S, Waghambare A, Rao NN, Pophali GR (2021) Water consumption, wastewater generation and characterization of a slaughterhouse for resource conservation and recovery. Water Practise & Technology. https://doi.org/10.2166/wpt.2021.122
- Shende, A.D., Dhenkula, S., Rao N.N., Pophali G.R. (2022) An improved primary wastewater treatment system for a slaughterhouse industry: A full-scale experience. Water Science and technology. https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2022.041
- Shende, A.D., Khan, M.S., Dhenkula, S., Rao N.N., Pophali G.R. (2022) Waste to wealth in a slaughterhouse through effective biomass management. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-022-02374-8
- Shende, A.D., Rao N.N., Pophali G.R. (2022) Development of an improved solids-liquid separation reactor for floatable & settleable solids in DAF slurry of a slaughterhouse. Journal of Water Process Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.103431
- Shende, A.D., Pophali, G.R. (2020) Anaerobic treatment of slaughterhouse wastewater: a review. Environment Science and Pollution Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-10921-x
- Shende, A.D., Pophali, G.R. (2022) Sewage and faecal sludge management; revisiting discharge standards in India. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-022-04688-6
- Sulthana, B.S., Dipinnath, R.S., Krishnakumar, B., Shende, A.D. (2022) Assessment of the discharge characteristics from ayurvedic Pharmaceutical industries and potential valorization. Journal of Industrial Pollution Control. https://doi.org/10.4172/0970-2083.005
- Kurien A, Shende AD, Pophali GR (2021) Development of techno-economical treatment system for bulk milk cooler effluent in India. Environmental Engineering and Management. http://doi.org/10.30638/eemj.2021.126
- Shende, A.D., Chelani, A.B., Rao, N.N., Pophali, G.R. (2020) Optimal selection of “zero liquid discharge” (ZLD) system using “analytical hierarchy process” (AHP) and “grey relational analysis” (GRA). Environment Development and Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-020-00979-5
- Gurjar R., Shende, A.D., Pophali, G.R. (2019) Treatment of low strength wastewater using compact submerged aerobic fixed film (SAFF) reactor filled with high specific surface area synthetic media. Water Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2019.316
- Swati Dhenkula, Akshay D Shende, Neelesh Sahu, Girish R Pophali. 2018. Implementation of Decentralized Sewage Treatment System for rural set up: A case study. Journal of Indian Water Works Association, 4, 253-25
- Dipin Nath R S, Akshay D. Shende, Krishnakumar B. 2022. Controlled anaerobic digestion of waste banana pseudostem for recovering natural fibre, biogas and soil conditional. 12th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
- Akshay D Shende, Girish R Pophali, N N Rao, Mahendra Tandekar. The importance of primary wastewater treatment in slaughterhouse industry (Poster), International Conference On Innovations in Sustainable Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems (ISWATS), Pune. April 21-23, 2016
- Akshay D Shende, M Shahbaz Khan, N N Rao, Girish R Pophali. 2019. Realizing wealth from waste in a slaughterhouse industry: A case study. Indo-German workshop on waste to wealth, CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal
- Swati Dhenkula, Akshay Shende, Neelesh Sahu, Girish Pophali. 2016. Assessment of Sewage Quality for Development of Decentralized Sewage Treatment System. 32nd National convention of environmental engineers, Institution of Engineers'
CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram (Jan 2020 to Present)
- Assessment of plastic contaminated soil vis-à-vis recommendations for its reuse at Cella Space Limited, Ernakulam (PI)
- Non-thermal concentration of rejects from reverse osmosis using Forward Osmosis (FO) (PI)
- Pilot scale demonstration of a technology for remediating community well water contaminated with an emerging & endocrine disrupting micropollutant, Perchlorate (Aluva, Kochi, Kerala) (Co-PI)
- Random Verification of Annual Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management (Villupuram, Madurai, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu) (Co-PI)
- Field testing and validation of a modular onsite wastewater treatment & resource recovery unit (Co-PI)
- Environmental Impact Assessment study for NK Block I of Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. Located in village Chavara, District, Kollam, Kerala (Team Member)
- Environmental Impact Assessment study for NK Block III of Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. Located in village Chavara, District, Kollam, Kerala along with Natural and community Resource Augmentation plan (Team Member)
CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur (September 2014 to 2019)
- Industrial Wastewater:
Feasibility studies for upgradation of Slaughter House effluent treatment plant at- M/s Fair Export (I) Pvt. Ltd., Rampur (1.5 MLD)
- M/s Amroon Foods Pvt. Ltd., Barabanki (1.5 MLD)
- Domestic Wasterwater:
- Centralized STPs - Feasibility studies for implementation and upgradation of sewage treatment plants (STPs) at
A. Raipur (8 MLD) B. Sangavi, Pune (10 MLD) C. Narmada Nagar, M. P. (0.5 MLD) - Decentralized STPs - Feasibility studies for implementation of decentralized STP at
A. MOIL Gumgaon (200 m3/day); B. My Town, Takalghat (25 m3/day)
C. Village Patansavangi (100 m3/day); D. Village Navegaon Sadhu (30 m3/day)
- Centralized STPs - Feasibility studies for implementation and upgradation of sewage treatment plants (STPs) at
- Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems:
- Development of most suitable ZLD treatment system at M/s Navin Fluorine International Limited (NFIL), Surat (1.4 MLD)
- Common Effluent Treatment Plant:
- CETP at Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Cochin (1.5 MLD)
- CETP at Madras Export Processing Zone (MEPZ), Chennai (1.5 MLD)
- Status of 11 Nos. of (CETPs) in National Capital Region (NCR), Delhi
MWH Global, Pune (July 2011 to June 2012)
- GIS update work and Model building:
- GIS update work (Thames water)
- Model building (Yorkshire water)
Training programs
Resource person for
- “Training on STPs with various technologies” at MEETRA, Nasik sponsored by Maharashtra Jeeven Pradhikaran (MJP)
- “Training Programme on Recent Trends in Urban Sanitation Systems” at MANIT, Bhopal sponsored by National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)
- National workshop on “Improved Toilet Technologies for better sanitation” at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kottayam
- “Design, Operation, Maintenance and Performance of STPs, CETPs” at CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur sponsored by Central Pollution Control Board
- Training Program On “Water Quality Complication, Restoration and Environmental Conservation of Existing Water Bodies” Module II Sponsored by AICTE (22nd Nov to 27th Nov 2021) organized by IPS Academy Institute of Engineering & Science, Indore
- Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Advancement in Waste to Energy Technologies" organized by College of Engineering, Trivandrum
Completed Training on
- “Appropriate Decentralized Wastewater Treatment for Housing Complexes, Townships and Small Communities” organized by CSIR-NEERI
- Design and Operation of Wastewater Treatment Systems” organized by National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal
- “Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plants” organized by Indian Water Works Association (IWWA)
- Laboratory System & Internal Audit as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (August 17-18, 2021)
- Uncertainty of Measurement and Decision Rule as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (Sept 07, 2021)
- Introduction to Faecal Sludge Management by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Significant Contributions
- Significant contribution for review of Revised Sewage Discharge Standards, 2019 under the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal (NGT)
- Contribution to Hon’ble High Court’s Environmental/Pollution Matters (Madhya Pradesh)
- Expert member of the “No Increase in Pollution Load Committee” constituted by the Environment Department, Government of Kerala
- Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) Scholar (Aug. 2012-14)