Dr.Partha Kundu

- Dr.Partha Kundu
- Senior Scientist
- kundu@niist.res.in
- 0471-2515262
- +919557643934
- https://niist.irins.org/profile/68459
Research Area: Environmental engineering, Renewable energy engineering (H2 energy), Pollution abatement (Air/Water/Solid), Bio-remediation, Process engineering & Optimization, Advance Separation process, Modeling & Simulation.
Current Research:
- Green H2 generation from various renewable feed stock.
- Process development for VOC & Odour control.
- Sustainable process for solid waste management (MSW).
- Waste to energy engineering.
- Biodegradability of alternative to single use plastic materials.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/partha-kundu-10784422/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3305-5246
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Partha-Kundu-4
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=X0NPqmgAAAAJ&hl=en
Current Position: Senior Scientist & Assistant Professor (AcSIR), CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
Previous Positions:
- Post-Doctoral Fellow
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. - Research Associate
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation limited (HPCL) R&D Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
- CSIR Award for S&T Innovations for Rural Development: CAIRD-2020 (Team Award)
- Recipient of Shastri Indo-Canadian Post-Doctoral Research fellowship (SRSF 2016-17).
- Recipient of YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD (VIRA 2016) in the year 2016.
- Recipient of International Travel grant sponsored by DST in the year 2015.
- Recipient of IIChE sponsored R&D project (IIC-734-CHD) in the year 2013.
- Received Research Fellowship (PhD) by IITR-MHRD in the year 2011-2016.
- Received MHRD Fellowship (M.Tech) during 2009 to 2011.
- GATE-2009 Scholarship
Membership of Professional Bodies/Societies
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) (Membership No.: 009905782809)
- Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) (Membership No.: LAM-48355)
- The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI) (Membership No.: AM-1714883)
Book/Book Chapters:
- P. Kundu, “Stability, Rheology, Transport Behavior of Emulsions In Porous Media” Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, (2019), ISBN: 978-620-0-00443-7.
- P. Kundu, I.M.Mishra, Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research, Ch: Biogas generation from Industrial waste/Domestic sewage by using UASB reactor: Reactor design and Hydro-dynamics study using CFD, (2013) SSS-NIRE, India, ISBN 978-81-927097-0-3.
- P.M. Saharuba, P. Kundu, E. Plotnikov, D. Martemianov, Performance evaluation and intensification of novel buoyant filter bioreactor with associated secondary treatment process for rice processing industries, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cep.2021. In-press.
- D. Martemianov, E. Plotnikov, M. Rudmin, A. Tyabayev, A. Artamonov, P. Kundu, Studying glauconite of the bakchar deposit (Western Siberia) as a prospective sorbent for heavy metals, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 55 (11) (2020)1359-1365.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M. Mishra, Experimental study on flow and rheological behavior of oil-in-water emulsions in unconsolidated porous media: Effect of particle size and phase volume fractions. Powder Technology, 343 (2019) 821-833.
- P. Kundu, I.M. Mishra, Treatment and reclamation of hydrocarbon bearing oily wastewater as a hazardous pollutant by different processes and technologies - A State-of the-Art Review. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 35 (1) (2019) 73-108.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, P.J. Scales, I. M. Mishra, Synergistic influence of pH and temperature on rheological behavior of adhesive emulsions stabilized with micelle dispersion of an anionic surfactant. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 22 (2) (2019) 301-313.
- P. Kundu, K. Arora, Y. Gu, V. Kumar, I.M. Mishra, Formation and Stability of Water-in-Oil Nano-Emulsions with Mixed Surfactant using In-Situ Combined Condensation-Dispersion Method. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 97 (7) (2019) 2039-2049.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M. Mishra, Study the electro-viscous effect on stability and rheological behavior of surfactant-stabilized emulsions. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 39 (3) (2018) 384-394.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, Y. Hoarau, I.M. Mishra, Numerical simulation and analysis of fluid flow hydrodynamics through a structured array of circular cylinders forming porous medium. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (23-24) (2016) 9848-9871.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M. Mishra, Experimental and numerical investigation of fluid flow hydrodynamics in porous media: Characterization of pre-Darcy, Darcy and non-Darcy flow regimes. Powder Technology, 303 (2016) 278-291.
- P. Kundu, V. Paul, V. Kumar, I. M. Mishra, An Adaptive Modeling of Petroleum Emulsion Formation and Stability by A Heuristic Multi-Objective Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34 (4) (2016) 350-358.
- P. Kundu, I. M. Mishra, Treatment of surfactant stabilised oily wastewater using coalescing bed of bagasse fly ash (BFA) as a low cost filter medium: Modeling and optimization of process parameters. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (42) (2016) 19713-19726.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M. Mishra, Modeling the steady shear rheological behavior of dilute to highly concentrated oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions: Effect of temperature, oil volume fraction and anionic surfactant concentration. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 129 (2015) 189-204.
- P. Kundu, V. Paul, V. Kumar, I.M. Mishra, Formulation development, Modeling and optimization of emulsification process using evolving RSM assisted hybrid ANN-GA framework, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 104 (2015) 773-790.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M. Mishra, Numerical modeling of turbulent flow through isotropic porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 75 (2014) 40-57.
- P. Kundu, A. Agrawal, H. Mateen, I.M. Mishra, Stability of oil-in–water macro-emulsion with anionic surfactant: Effect of Electrolytes and Temperature. Chemical Engineering Science, 102 (2013) 176-185.
- P. Kundu, I.M. Mishra, Removal of Emulsified Oil from Oily wastewater (oil-in-water emulsion) using Packed Bed of Polymeric resin beads. Separation and Purification Technology, 118 (2013) 519-529.
2016PhD (Chemical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, Department of Chemical Engineering
2011M.Tech (Chemical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, Department of Chemical Engineering
2009B.Tech (Chemical Engineering), University College of Science and Technology (UCST), University of Calcutta
2006B.Sc (Chemistry Honours), Scottish Church College, University of Calcutta
Scientific Talks & Presentations:
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M.Mishra, "Numerical modeling and simulation of turbulent flow of newtonian fluids through porous media using rans and les approach", Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia, December 7-9, 2015.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M.Mishra, “Modeling of Rheological Behavior of Oil-in-Water Emulsions”, In: Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress 2015: APCChE 2015, incorporating CHEMECA 2015, Melbourne, Australia, September 27- October 1, 2015: 1196-1207.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I. M. Mishra, "Effect of pH, Surfactant Concentration and Temperature on the Rheological Behavior of Oil-in-Water (O/W) Emulsions", 9th Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2014) organized by German Rheological Society and Karlsruhe Technical University, Germany, April 8 – 11, 2014.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M.Mishra, “Experimental study of oil-in-water (o/w) emulsion flow through porous Media” CHEMCON 2014, 67th Annual session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers organized by IIChE & Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, December 27-30, 2014.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I. M. Mishra, "Viscoelastic Behavior of O/W Emulsions with an Anionic Surfactant: Effect of pH and Temperature", 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology (PACRIM2014) organized by University of Melbourne and Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, July 20-25, 2014.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M. Mishra, "Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flows through Porous Media using Low-Re Turbulence Model", International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE) 2013, IIT Roorkee, India, February 22-24, 2013.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M.Mishra, “CFD Analysis of oil-in-water Flow through a Capillary”, International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ICACE) 2013, NIT Raipur, India, April 05-06, 2013.
- P. Kundu, V. Kumar, I.M.Mishra, "Simulation of Turbulent Flows through Porous Media by k-ε Turbulent Model", CHEMCON 2012, 65th Annual session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers organized by IIChE & NIT Jalandhar, India, December 27-30, 2012.
- P. Kundu, I.M.Mishra, “Biogas generation from Industrial waste/Domestic sewage by using UASB reactor: Reactor design and Hydro-dynamics study using CFD”, Ist National Conference on 'Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research', organized by SSS-NIRE, Kapurthala, India November 25-26, 2011.
- A.K. Purushan, P. Kundu, “Study the Degradation of VOC using Microbial Consortia” at CHEMCON, organised by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Bhubaneswar, India during 27 th -30 th December 2021.
- A.K. Purushan, P. Kundu, “Study the Degradation of VOC using Microbial Consortia” at CHEM-CONFLUX22 organised by Department of Chemical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India during 14 th -16 th April 2022.
- Design and development of a novel bio-electrochemical reactor for bio-hydrogen (Green H2) Production. Funding agency: CSIR (H2T Mission), (PI)
- Development of A Clean Sustainable MSW Technology: 10 TPB pilot plant for Management of Municipal Solid Waste. Funding agency: DST, (PI)
- Investigation on Operational Efficiency of Industrial Gas Biofilters. Funding Organization: Kerala state pollution control board (KSPCB), (PI)
- Development of accelerated biodegradation (aerobic and anaerobic) testing method for biodegradable plastics. Funding agency: DBT, (PI)
- Process development for control of volatile emissions and odour from spray painting units. Funding Organization: CPCB & KSPCB (PI)
- Inventory of hazardous waste management. Funding Organization: Central pollution control board (CPCB), India. (PI)
- Study the biodegradability of alternative single use plastic items. Funding Organization: Kerala state pollution control board (KSPCB), India. (PI)
- Biodrying: A comprehensive model waste management scheme for Kerala. Funding Organization: Department of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Kerala, India. (Team member)
Collaboraters/Funding Agencies:
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