A novel process for the production of carotene rich red palmolein

The invention relates to a process for the production of nutritious red palm olein. The red palm olein is natural carotene and vitamin E rich.. The process steps consists of; treating preheated crude palm oil with caustic soda at 70-85 deg.C, cooling the mixture to 48-65 deg.C, removing soap , washing the remaining oil with hot water, winterizing the alkali free oil by heating at 60-70 deg.C followed by cooling by using winterization unit to get crystallized mass, separating the solid mass by filtration, deodorizing by heating in the temperature range of 120-160 deg.C and cooling to obtain the product.
- Year : 2002 Granted type : Granted
- Granted Country : India
Application Number : 407/DEL/2002
Patent Number :
- IN195818